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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. keep what under wraps? And the edit is old because it was before the "Final edit" which is also outdated because they started up the project again. I also seen jacobs status and it said that the ground and ghost gym positions have been re-opened so I'm pretty sure you can apply. I just thought it would be cool if our characters could have some sort of history and we could make something out of it because a lot of the other gym leaders have their connections to each other and mine has none, also I thought it would be perfect because you wanted to be a ghost leader right? Juu? Can you tell I'm excited about this?
  2. YAY! Is kyan your colour of choice juu? either way did you apply for the position of ghost gym leader or are you working on the application?
  3. ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅHello and welcome to reborn, I'm sure you'll enjoy your new prison paradise.ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ I hope to see you 'round the forums, y'know whenever you can of course!
  4. DAMNIT JUU we talked about this! you must add #AmeGoesToTheArcade™ in your sig or she'll never see it!
  5. ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅHello and welcome to reborn, I'm sure you'll enjoy your new prison paradise.ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
  6. ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅHello and welcome to reborn, I'm sure you'll enjoy your new prison paradise.ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ I hope to see you 'round the forums!
  7. Sky... It's magic and it's also celestial so it's on another plain it'll destroy Juu on another level! Not that I have to 'cause I like juu.
  8. More than one person apparently also I could burn you sky as I'm made of fire, which I've trained to use to my advantage by mixing it with my spells. Little does Juu know there's a hex on him that'll ignite him if he steps out of line Sky?
  9. But little did you know TRHS you said yes without realising as you were the first to add it to your signature! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Neko-chan is pleased
  10. How dare you say no to Neko-chan he knows Katrate! mde you must make it happen or face the same fate as juu! Oh, right *Casts Raise on Juuzou*
  11. Make sure the colour represents you Juu! And TRHS you dot the same if you haven't already please? And mde.... still waiting for yours ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ You can't say no to neko-chan can you?
  12. ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅHello and welcome to reborn, I'm sure you'll enjoy your new prison paradise.ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ I hope to see you 'round the forums!
  13. One of us! One of us! One of us! #AmeGoesToTheArcade!!! mde?
  14. Is such a sad story that's why we must change it for the better! TRHS?
  15. I decided to change it back because halloween is over half a month away so you only get a little taste. Juu?
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