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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. Juu... I think your wrong... I feel more alive than ever!!!
  2. I think my soul might've been replaced juu? I feel different the fire feels cool... What does this mean? Am I one with the fire now? Juu?
  3. You say I have no passion yet my passion fires me up * is still on fire* My passion is to share my visions with the world through their own experiences which is why I must make something that makes people feel something something amazing whether it be joy or fear or anger I will change the world if even a little, YOU HEAR ME JUU, You can't stop the fire in my heart for what I believe in no one can! Because that's just not who I am.
  4. If that were true then juu why am I still ali- *Spontaneously combusts*
  5. No, definitely not it's just a dream that we all strive towards that someday... she'll grace us with her prescence So I can steal my soul back k... Qwaffle?
  6. I have to write my personal statement for getting into university does anyone have any advice?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Blanchette


      Oooh, Game Design, that's what I studied! <3

      And maybe he wants to become a janitor in a Game company Juuzou, don't judge :<

    3. Juniper


      But if you're a janitor, you won't be designing the games x.x

      My brother is doing video game design too actually, in UL.

    4. Juniper


      *Realises nobody knows what UL is unless they live in that country*

  7. For the record the custom shiny typhlosion does have blue flames and the fur on its back is darker
  8. All I can say is make the card again or go to update trainer card and update it. Because I feel like there was a lot of miscommunication yesterday and I can't stress this enough, don't put it on your signature in the mean time I'll try and find a thread that might help. noobles? Edit: I found one http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17180&hl=%2Btrainer+%2Bcard#entry407356
  9. You're meant to use a quick claw and destiny bond it takes a while but it works, also some people might not want to use the focus sash because it's a consumable item since gen 6 meaning it can only be used once. You could also quick claw perish song as well in that case. Also the bear pokemon is called beartic if you were curious.
  10. I would rather live in the real world as myself, If I were an NPC I could only move like 3 steps and never when I want too. Would you rather fight a horse sized duck or 100 duck sized horses?
  11. BANNED because I don't drink alcoholic beverages
  12. I think john cena is just some guy more than anything else, I do enjoy the memes though. TRHS
  13. ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅHello and welcome to reborn, I'm sure you'll enjoy your new prison paradise.ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Don't set my arcanine on fire that's when he goes crazy!
  14. 183 we can no longer drink alcohol that's how close we are
  15. http://25.media.tumblr.com/9b7e2e09d9cfe27295eeef991eb70887/tumblr_mj9swcB7Yk1qa8kbzo9_1280.jpg
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