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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. Don't sass me sky! It's called HEADS or tails not TAILS or heads so the obvious pick is the first one.
  2. ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅHello and welcome to reborn, I'm sure you'll enjoy your new prison paradise.ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ I also like using fire to a certain degree... but I prefer water as it's calm and soothing until the storms kick in. That's a nice motto might use it from time to time. I agree that people need to be individual and unique, we're humans not sheep. Sonic '06 sucked in many ways but y'know what it's one HELL of an experience, I couldn't play it myself so I watched a let's play of it and it's one of my favourite let's play series of all time, shame they never finished it. My favourite pokémon is Arcanine seems we have similar tastes in pokémon
  3. I would rather be a zebstrika because it looks cooler Would you rather eat sour food or eat bitter food?
    1. dead account

      dead account

      "This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it."

  4. No, it's me again crashing the party and everyones dreams mde?
  5. BANNED for capital punishment
  6. It's simple to beat just use the same team except shiny bird jesus X3 and doubladeX3 TRHS?
  7. My first shiny was a shiny geodude in fire red I was very excited when I found it, but unfortunately I couldn't keep it because this copy of fire red was broken. For some reason to save it you needed to save it and take the game out while the console was still on or the file would delete itself, I found out because i trippe dgoing up the stairs and the game fell out
  8. No, you're just not supposed to have it in your sig in the first place. If you create a trainer card the website will automatically add it into your signature so just make it again. Okay al?
  9. Make sure you don't have one in your signature delete it from that and all should be well Al?
  10. No, don't copy and paste that's why it's not working in the first place you just have to make the card and wait until it shows up, for me it showed up between 20-40 minute after I edited it. Al?
  11. You have to wait if it doesn't show up by tomorrow at the latest I can't help ya But you know who can? Amethyst
  12. You could try to re-do it and your not supposed to put your trainer card in your sig because it's added automatically when you make it. If you have it in your sig it won't show up at all I believe it's a community rule SgtNoobly?
  13. Mine is umbreon though I prefer shiny umbreon I like to nickname it polaris because of obvious reasons, I will repeat the question What is your favourite eeveelution Juu? Sorry for hijacking the question
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