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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. Oh, the election is today isn't it. Also I don't mind too much if I don't get it just means I'm back to the drawing board K_H
  2. I did it and I feel alright about it, they were nice and easy enough to talk to so here's hopin' Anstane?
  3. I'm at the place, 15 minutes until the interview Send help Lugruf?
  4. I only have 2 hours left before I need to leave, I'm super nervous 0-0" Spine?
  5. Okay goodnight.. Guess it's just me and the fire now.. Anyone?
  6. I don't- dude what are you talking about? Spine?
  7. Spine, that's a dark tale I can't believe those demon children would do such a thing Spine?
  8. This and more in "Fun facts with spine"!! They're weirdly messy but kinda satisfying Spine?
  9. Goodnight Anstane~ Well spine it seems it's just you and me
  10. I have the sword just in case K_H care fora party hat?
  11. *Wipes face* Did I get it? Don't worry Spine, you're not interrupting, come join the party
  12. I got my first interview tomorrow to be an apprentice chef Anstane
  13. Well I got hit in the face by a jelly donut, that was pretty sweet, I also thought I'd catch up on some videos just to keep myself relaxed for the big day tomorrow Anstane?
  14. NOPE don't worry about it, it wasn't important, stupid really, don't even know why I thought it, so how was your day? Anstane?
  15. 0-0" I can only hope we're talking about the same thing here Anstane?
  16. That's still no exc- huh? O-oh really? W-well I do try.. >->" Anstane?
  17. *Shakes it off* I mean I only had 15 minutes to react how did you expect me to catch it? I'm gonna go wash my face T~T Anstane?
  18. Wait, wha- *gets hit in the face by a jelly donut* ...... I... didn't see that coming :| YOU KNOW YOU COULD'VE WARNED ME?! Anstane?
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