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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. mde! I made my second thread! I just hope I did it right
  2. I thought of a game for the arcade, it's fairly simple and I'm sure you know how it works. Basically someone will post a would you rather and the next person must answer it and give their own would you rather. So, would you rather be a ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ or a ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ?
  3. yeah maybe... it sound like a good idea and would fit in with the onyx arcade Edit: I decided to make it so why not check it out
  4. Do you think a "Would you rather?" thread would be a good idea?
  5. the "incident". Can you
  6. I'm just curios is it smog-on smogun smogone or what? Uh,mde?
  7. I'm confused why is moody not allowed? It doesn't really make sense Juu How do you say smogon?
  8. I was unaware of any clause.. are there any more I should know about mde?
  9. I always hear green for some reason even though I thought it was blue
  10. This isn't on topic but does amaria have green or blue hair?
  11. You need to go down from there into the coral ward and talk to amaria, she's one the upper-most dock of the coral ward
  12. Is it okay to pirate a game if you plan on paying for it later?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. zimvader42


      Oooh, that. I did that sometimes in the past.

      Other than that, I can't really give you an answer of how right or wrong the thing is.

    3. Leaghuna
    4. Leaghuna
  13. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16407 This is the location thread for future reference.
  14. I lost but it was close enough though I had no chance, right Juu?
  15. I believe way earlier in development there were zubats in the railnet maybe episode 9, point is there used to be but they were replaced with noibat
  16. I believe it is available yes, though I'm not 100% sure when you can get it, the protector is somewhere in
  17. Why would you want to shrink? It seems like it would be terrible
  18. BANNED because I'm the best like no one ever was... even though you beat me a lot
  19. I finished my team but it probably sucks let's see Juu!
  20. Honestly you probably wouldn't die after a week with no food, I think?
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