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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. For the record that's a reference that juu has never heard because he's never watched Game Grumps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqsSJuMGZmQ
  2. Juu, don't leave.. Juu don- JUUUU!!! I LOVE YOU!!!
  3. BANNED because #That's original
  4. *Casts Nulall* Juu tell me before you do that!!
  5. BANNED because #That's original
  6. *Casts Invisira* *Raises Michael's evasion* Missed me sky now *Casts silence*
  7. BANNED because; Semi-colon
  8. You know I'm a red mage right? I have all sorts of spells! *Casts de-corn*
  9. BANNED due to corny plays
  10. As I mentioned previously I solo'd the corn boss in castle crashers on insane difficulty so Come at me Scrublord I'm RIPPED!
  11. BANNED because I solo'd the corn boss on castle crashers on insane mode your army has no effect!!!
  12. BANNED because I had to scroll sidewards to see the M
  13. BANNED because no I don't I have no soul ame stole it then juu stole it from ame so I'm unaffected so good luck~
  14. BANNED because they're called STI's*
  15. But I told you I'm allergic to popcorn stop throwing it at me! Oh wait juu's beside me isn't he?
  16. No an no, though would like to be better
  17. BANNED because Juu developed Magic Bounce
  18. All of this is rather.... CORNY wouldn't you say juu?
  19. BANNED due to the rain curse
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