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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. tyrannosaurus attack
  2. I have a fair amount of work to do this weekend

  3. No... I'm sure you can guess as to why... I don't have or ever have had a grillfriend
  4. What if I told you I have awaken and am ready to predict..... TRHS!
  5. That's wrong it's :| 3 edit:wait.. I don't know what happened here, I think I was reading the wrong page. Ignore that 10
  6. You probably already know this but heart scales are very important in reborn for a lot of things, so are shards so I'd recommend keeping them and pressing A on everything to get as many as possible. On topic I tried using noibat in one of my playthroughs but I couldn't train it, it was too much effort and I didn't know if it would pay off, but from what I've read in this thread it seems like it would be a really good idea
  7. I was gonna say there's probably a reason juuzou keeps it under wraps and that it's not my place to say but I guess that flew out the window, crashed and burned hard so whatever... Anyway I bid you goodnight and hope to see you again tomorrow! Oh, right ummmmm...sky?
  8. Oh, whoops I gotta go If I want a decent sleep after I watch my youtube vide- I MEAN um... SOAP OPERAS!

    1. Jacobliterator
    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      I'm glad that's where you went with that

  9. Juu seems to be a little nega tonight but I'm sure *insert gender here even though I already know* will be fine, right mde?
  10. Y'know we have the same taste in games, I've loved playing monster hunter 4, though my addiction crashed a while ago because I was too scared to go online and I've really tried to git gud at sm4sh though I normally play the 3ds version. To be honest nintendo know how to make good games, they've been doing it for long enough it's just that people like to follow the crowd on video games so much so that they ignore some amazing games. Also with anime it's been a while since I've watched anything except for all the popular ones being released weekly like fairy tail and one piece because just as I did with monster hunter, I got addicted and then it crashed, I really have an issue with that. Anyway, in case I didn't say so already, Hello and welcome to reborn, I'm sure you'll enjoy your new prison paradise. And if you ever want to play anything just PM me and we could do something, okay?
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