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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. BANNED because I didn't Italicise
  2. Hello and welcome to reborn, I'm sure you'll enjoy your new prison paradise.
  3. BANNED for not being FANTASTIC!
  4. BANNED for stealing my joke http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=14732&page=3
  5. BANNED for stealing my lack of lag
  6. Wow, thanks for the cotton candy sky! *Nom* Oh hey juu you want some it's FANTASTIC!
  7. I need to close the tab but it's just so hard to do! I need to! But maybe if I just check one more th- NO!

    1. Hiss13


      "JUST DO IT!"

    2. InnocentSerenity


      Get away from TVTropes.

  8. Nope but he will be after me. I'm gonna head off now It's Game Grumps time and then it's sleep time so I will see you tomorrow.
  9. BANNED because it's Game Grumps time and then time for sleep
  10. I normally try not to curse unless provoked so people know when I'm being serious, otherwise I'd say it in jest or when no one else is around gotta practice somehow, right?
  11. BANNED because if you are gonna have that be a problem don't visit Ireland you will never live anything down
  12. I would but I feel to absolutely fantastic to end a life that can change What was that sky did you say something?
  13. BANNED for keeping unnecessary secrets
  14. How am I doing? I no longer feel any other emotion than sadness... do you see what's been done? It's having the opposite effect than what I was trying to make happen everything I've tried to do was for naught!
  15. BANNED for banning Has that been done before?
  16. Goodnight JUU! I know where you live I vote qwaffle
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