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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. No it's fine... don't ask me how I'm doing by the way it's not the usual answer... *Sniff*
  2. Shing's asleep, how do I know? Because juu I'm closer than you think :|
  3. I "borrowed" some explosives from julia also that wasn't my 3DS that was yours I took it from your mailbox, also how did I know you threw it? Because I'm closer than you think :|
  4. BANNED because Juu said "armS"
  5. I guess... I'm... not welcome here anymore *Says his goodbyes and packs his stuff*
  6. Well the only person tracking you is me with my tracking device on the car you stole from... yourself? It's probably another juuzou I left my Nintendo 3DS XL™ in the car so I kinda need that So juu either come back or I'll track you down and kill you
  7. I wasn't really talking about anyone in particular when I said that and I'm *COUGH*juuzou*COUGH very offended that you would say something so hurtful to me I was just trying to show respect for my fellow peers
  8. Ummm juu that wasn't actually MY car... I stole it from some house that said "Juuzous house" on the mailbox sooo.....
  9. Well everyone is entitled to their own opinion.... even if it is WRONG
  10. Wellama tell you what that would be some way to go
  11. Someone ask me how I'm doing...

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      Wow that's another thing that I say... it kinda sucks to hear it. Anyway all I'm saying is I see them separate meaning that I can be both FANTASTIC and fabulous at the same time

    3. SkyRunner


      Thanks for the cookies, Juu. They're... FABULOUS!!!

    4. Juniper



  12. I don't like acronyms they add an extra layer of confusion Also if someone asks me how I'm doing I say "I'm doing ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC! How are you ding today" The reason is because it's so unexpected and so positive that it makes them smile, and because it's such a positive word you can't help but smile too.
  13. BANNED for pushing juu away instead of using your vocal chords to communicate by saying the word "No"
  14. A'ight dawg listen to my sick rap yo. YO LISTEN UP MOTHERFUCKERS LET ME TELL YOU A TALE, 'BOUT GODZILLA HE'S GOIN' TO JAPAN TODAY, WE'RE GONNA GET A BUNCHA LASERS, SHOOT 'EM IN YOUR FACE, FUCKIN' DUDES, FUCKIN BITCHES ALL OVER THE PLACE. - DJMICKSALOT okay, we're home, or I am at least... juu why are you still in my car? I've even got out of it
  15. I say to be honest a lot, or when someone says something about themself that wasn't on the topic I'd say "I don't believe anyone asked" I know it's mean but people don't hurt that easily
  16. uuuuuuhh....... must resist trampoline
  17. 10/10 very elegant and refined, just the definition of grace itself
  18. You lost the bet and you better believe I'm going to be ka-shing in on this one! Now you have to change your name to one of my suggestion! I literally spent at least one second thinking of them! Juu tell 'im how it is if you wouldn't mind
  19. Mickster? Excuse me they call me DJ Micksalot thank you very much and not to sound like an idiot but kick boxing just sounds like... fighting? I don't know much about kick boxing in case you couldn't tell. Also I literally only started boxing 2 weeks ago so it's safe to say I'm an absolute master by now Wouldn't you agree sky?
  20. Only juu has guessed me correctly I think? If only I got here sooner. But anyway Shia I'll help out but I think I'll leave the cake and tea to everyone else... y'know because I'm allergic Let's hope Juu will show up soon (Edit: For the record for me it's 6:37pm)
  21. BANNED for getting a critical hit!
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