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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. Did you hear about the camping trip? it was inTENTS
  2. Well I just wanna say that... I have a few... okay first my class was on an overnight field trip and I was genius enough to run down a muddy hill while it was just after raining, I sprained my ankle and was stuck in the hospital for 4 hours. Another was when I was in p.e. class and we were doing penalty shots in football and I somehow managed to instead of kick the ball put my foot on top of the ball and slip and fall on the ground, probably my favourite embarrassing stories is when I thought it would be cool to come into school with heely's on, yes and in case you don't know what they are they are shoes with wheels on the bottom of them that pop out when you apply pressure onto them, so you could imagine y face when the teacher asked me to get something and after I stood up I fell backwards and hit my head on the ground. I have two more. I was in music class in secondary school and everyone was playing the tin whistle, one after the other and it came to my turn and I screwed it up and people laughed at me, and I have terrible stage fright so I started to cry and I felt terrible. Last one I promise. I was in english class and we were reading cirque de freak over the course of the year and we were given a time limit of the rest of the class to come up with a circus freak of our own and read it out to the class, I drew a blank, I could only come up with super power type things and not a "disorder" so I was told to read mine out and I got really nervous and I broke down and cried (again) in front of the class and people still make fun of me for it and I know it doesn't sound like it but they do it in good spirit. This is probably my longest post to date. Was that enough for you mde?
  3. Hello and welcome to reborn, I'm sure you'll enjoy your new prison paradise.
  4. Oh hey, Big Za- I mean... Oh hey, Game Grumps time!

    1. Arkhi


      These are neat characters. Alright, let's fight using-

      oh hey, Big Zam!

    2. Jacobliterator


      Game Grumps time is all the time.

    3. AeroWraith


      It is unfortunate.....for anyone not playing Big Zam :3

  5. I got INFP Mediator 81% introverted 88% intuitive 68% feeling 41% prospecting 77% turbulent A lot of these questions hit a little too close to home to be honest, and the results speak for themselves.
  6. BANNED because heart is where your home is
  7. I don't like tea to be honest but I would drink it if I were invited, maybe I should just try it again? But I can't have cake I'm on a diet allergic so more for you! I could bring some form of vegetable though? Also if we're dressing up as Mr.T does that mean it's halloween themed juu? (bythewayi'mbackfromboxing)
  8. I'm exhausted after my second boxing.... appointment? but it was worth it, probably.... give it like, a day

    1. Juniper


      kickboxing>boxing, fight me

    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      We already fought juu and I was winning remember because me and shing are best buds who wanted to lie in the grass together, and that was before I learned boxing so as they say come at meh bruh!

  9. Well, I have plans soon and I'm considering going to sleep again but enough about me. Shia how's the sprite shop coming along?
  10. So I would be a kat with even more lightning quick reflexes due to me having no lag that is raised on a mostly harmless planet
  11. This is me in case people were curious as to how I stack up to my grump head
  12. BANNED for not eating and doing an essay instead
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