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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. Nope I have awaken yet again! (and have come home from school) Mde?
  2. Actually thinks infernape should get the water jetpack
  3. What is a tsukiyama-llamma-sama-san-chan-thankyouma'am? Exprain to me sky
  4. Is it Shy-a or She-a?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cowtao


      It's said Shy-A in the Shia Labeouf live video and he starred in it so it must be that

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      I assumed it was Shia as in labeouf and not shia as in she uh, looks nice

  5. *Casts Raise* I'm alive! I had enough mana for sky too but you beat me to it I'm not to fond of group projects especially with people you don't know or get along with thought I've done very little so I don't have much of an opinion umm... sky?
  6. Well I am an uncertified not so grump so I must be in good spirits, but smile? I'm not sure about the rules on that one. Juu even if it is 6:24pm I need to sleep because I'm tired so don't guess me for a few hours
  7. You see why'd you have to go and make me happy? You know what that means? It means I'm smiling. I hope you're proud of yourself! Also I would never steal another pokemon unless I was using action replay What if I called you Juuseph?
  8. Really juu? At least :| you forgot about me, speaking of me hello and I welcome you to reborn, I'm sure you'll enjoy your new prison paradise.
  9. 84... 4 has a trinagle in it aluminium confirmed!
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