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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. Destroying blake fern and solaris with my Arcanine Krai and nothing else all in the one episode
  2. Are you grump or not so grump?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BreezyPonie


      I think I'm more like Arin tbh, even though I like Danny more. I hope I'm just not as rage inducing O_O;

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      So, are you trump or not so trump?

  3. To answer your earlier question yes you should go to sleep if you're tired, I'm actually considering it myself What do you think Shia? Should I consider it?
  4. NUP! It was me But NOW it shall be Mde I can be a poet too juu
  5. Also platforms are my enemy
  6. Where did my saturday go?

    1. Juniper
    2. Zekktech


      Well it was in the park, and I believe it was the fourth of July

  7. 30 If we reach 33000000 my life will be complete
  8. Banned for grammar naziing
  9. Hello and welcome to reborn, I'm sure you'll enjoy your new prison paradise.
  10. Granted, but the animatronics must kill you because you know too much I wish for more free time
  11. I vote 9/10, lots o' good items in the wasteland
  12. I ain't no Shia but I know I'm having some craic over here Third time's the charm SHIA?
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