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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. I had a nice time at school it was good reconnecting with people

  2. I'm back! Also I edited my original application with attached sprites as a base for the character I believe it's on the third page
  3. I'm finally back! It's been a week of sunshine and free food but I'm back home... what's that? school? Tomorrow? ...but I just got back...

    1. SnowGlaceon


      Welcome back! And go ahead and jump on the back to school bandwagon. It'll be fun, they said...

  4. wel... goodbye people if I don't make it back share my stuff amongst each other and don't fight over it

  5. I'm leaving for a foreign country tonight so I might be gone for a week, I hope you won't miss me too much

  6. I would like my character to be more involved with the fight against black november as I mentioned before he has an uncontrolable temper when people mistreat the people and pokemon around him, but I wouldn't be sure where it would fit in
  7. 6/10 I had to turn my screen upside down, also I don't get it edit: I got ninja'd
  8. Apparently no one picked easy mode... Well my first run of the game wasn't amazing to be honest, first two gyms no problem but then came marianette who I was not prepared for I lost so bad that I took a hiatus of the game for about 1-2 weeks but when I got back into it I had a plan and managed to beat her, fighting narcissa wasn't all that bad it just took a few tries, for valerie though... let's just say I had some trouble, the key to beating her is simple bring a grass pokemon preferably ludicolo it destroys her, the only other gym I've had trouble with was angie and when I say trouble, I mean go back and build a new team kind of trouble, which I did and still had to reset a few times and amber was a total pushover Rain dance + Rock Slide are all you need, well that and pokemon that resist fire However my second run of the game was a total breeze and I had no trouble except for marianette again but it was tolerable, but seriously that slaking doe. Although I'm proud to say that I started a third playthrough of the game and destroyed marianette so I must be learning
  9. Two one is in that old womans house and the second is a gang war at the opposing teams base
  10. I like the fountain, and I know it's a starting town but it's kinda small, doesn't look like there'll be much to do
  11. I keep hearing a noise outside my house, I keep forgetting about it and then all of a sudden I remember and start to hear it again send help

    1. foovy10


      Do i call 199 or 991?

    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      some combination of nines and/or ones

  12. I KNEW there was a draygun application I forgot about the spoiler boxes, I also forgot when it wasposted as well, sorry
  13. I could only find one but I just skimmed through the pages so I can't be 100% sure but I didn't see anything that looked like an application so....
  14. I remember doing it though I'm not sure if it's important
  15. First you need to talk to julia after titania flies off to tell her that she flew off
  16. Normally when I start writing here I do in fact have something on my mind but this time I don't

  17. I'm actually a little scared to go on the showdown server because I don't really know how it works, and I'd feel like I was intruding on some level
  18. Does anyone want to play sm4sh for 3ds? I'm in the mood to play though I'm tired meaning if I lose I have an excuse.

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      Never mind I'm going to sleep soon

  19. Fortunately I have no demands for this version as I have my Arcanine AND Gardevoir so whatever is in this one I'm already happy and can't be disappointed even if the bugs are swarming me
  20. I believe you can find a budew in the lapis ward beside the flower shop, I'm not sure what time of day or weather it needs to be.
  21. I wasn't expecting to see this today and I'm glad to see it
  22. I enjoy certain fruits

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ShadowStar
    3. ShadowStar


      What certain fruits? :o

    4. Juniper


      do you enjoy them because they're healthy or because they're tasty or is the texture? or do you just like being able to say "I enjoy X fruit"?

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