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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. When I'm tired I think too much

  2. 1. Is there anything your character likes to do outside of battling? My character would probably be enjoying the scenery of the town especially at night time when he can look up at the stars and lose himself in his mind. 2. A trainer comes to challenge your gym with only a lv 1 Rattata. What do you do? Suggest that the trainer gain experience before challenging any gym because they are gonna need more than that and they shouldn't underestimate the gym leaders, however he is not one to turn down a battle as this could be seen as experience too. 3. The same trainer challenges you and is beaten with ease. He seems kind of bummed out. How do you react? Suggest that he train some more, maybe catch new pokémon but never give up they just need to let their passion burn brighter than before and become the best they can be. 4. A different trainer challenges you and he completely sweeps you with ease. After recieving a badge, he yells, "Wow, what a scrub. Glad the other gym leaders aren't as pathetic as you." Fair enough he's obviously doing something right with his pokémon if he can win so easily, though he would become rather suspicious of them and would keep an eye on them before they leave town to see what they are doing wrong. 5. What is your favorite season/climate? The winter is best while it's just below freezing and snow is falling from the sky very gently as there is no wind. 6. Is there any type of music that's your favorite? (ie Rock, Rap, Metal) Somwhere between rock and metal, though violins are a must. 7. What does strength mean to you? Strength means HM04 to have the power to protect those important to you above all else and never being afraid to stand up after getting knocked down no matter how many times. 8. There's a terrorist attack in your city. They have hostages trapped in a building and ask to give into their demand. What do you do? Think rationally, even stall them while trying to find away to get to them but never giving in to their request, keeping in mind that these people are not to be forgiven and if any of them manage to get away you will hunt them down. 9. Is there any love interest in your life? No no one in particular 10. Would you care for a battle right now? It's a personal rule of his to accept any and all challengers no matter where or when, unless of course there is something important going on like say a terrorist attack, but it will be on the top of the to do list so he can test the quality of trainers throughout the region.
  3. Do you think if I were to disappear one day would people miss me?

  4. Just out of curiosity are you going to try and catch every shiny you run into?
  5. This website is keeping me awake... *Attempts to willpower computer to shut down*, this is more difficult than I thought

  6. I managed to find rock smash in the wasteland where you find squirtle which means you're going to need to beat Aya before you can get it, though I do remember the guy giving me rock smash as well meaning I found two but that might be because I was hopping between episodes to get certain things so I don't know, however what I do know is that you CAN find it where the squirtle is.
  7. I for some reason thought Tesla was charlottes mother.... turns out charlotte has a sister called Amber
  8. It's almost 10pm, which means GG time!

  9. Did anyone, when they were a kid try and run like they do in naruto

    1. zimvader42


      No, was too young, didn't know naruto existed.

      But I tried to run like Inuyasha.

    2. Hexagoen


      yes. yes i did. and i still do,when im dank drunk

  10. I'll be gone in 5 days for a holiday... There probably won't be any WI-Fi there...

  11. I would like to apply as the Fairy type gym leader. Name: Arcadeon Gender: Male I could provide sprites for this character, though it's more of a recolour than anything else Team: Gardevoir - Calm Mind Psychic Moonblast Shadow Ball - Trace Klefki - Spikes Reflect Light Screen Thunder Wave - Prankster Togekiss - Air Slash Aura Sphere Thunder Wave Dazzling Gleam - Serene Grace (mega)Mawile - Iron Head Play Rough Sucker Punch Swords Dance - Huge Power Clefable - Cosmic Power Moonlight Sweet Kiss Moonblast - Cute Charm Azumarill - Play Rough Aqua Tail Double-Edge Amnesia - Huge Power Personality: Generally I light hearted person who wants nothing but the best for his town and people, however challenging aspiring trainers is top priority as he would like to improve his tactics as a gym leader trying to perfect his team, however-ever when it comes to people disrespecting and abusing pokémon and people he has a short fuse and will often take things too seriously which could lead to their being issues as he does not think these things through before acting upon them. Dialogue would be up to you Theme:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SodSSLnXoyo I like this one
  12. I've managed to keep up a decent sleep schedule whilst still sleeping for 12 hours a day

  13. I'm bored, don't suppose anyone would like to play smash so I can have my ass handed to me?

    1. Shanco


      Depends on if 3DS or Wii U

    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      3ds I'm lending my Wii U to someone

  14. The phoenix wright trilogy was really good and I'll admit I nearly cried once or twice
  15. I don't think I'd be able to own a dog, I mean I could take care of one but I wouldn't be able discipline it, they're too adorable

    1. Juniper


      Peeing on the floor,

      "aww so cute"

      Chewing all your things,

      "Aww, so cute"

      Barking all night long,

      "aww, so cute!"

      Running away,

      "Wait!, Come BACK, I LOVE YOUU!"

    2. Sunbean


      You don't have to discipline a dog negatively, just praise it when it does something right. I never got mad at my dog for peeing on the floor or chewing on chairs as a puppy but gave her a treat when she did it outside and gave her chew toys if I caught her on furniture. And honestly, disciplining a dog doesn't take much work if you're patient with them and give lots of praise. :)

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      It's so much easier when it's someone else's dog and you can just enjoy how adorable it is and talk to it even though... it can't...understand...you.... eh, not that it matters I couldn't stop if I tried

  16. I'm proud to say that I 3 stocked a lvl.9 CPU on smash! I'm pretty happy about it.

    1. Juniper


      1 stock 4. then we'll talk.

    2. Juniper


      is what I'd say if I was any good at smash..

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      Hold on let me just git gud real quick then I'll try

  17. I want to play a game but either I can't because of reasons or I just don't know what to play

  18. I'm boreeeeed, someone do something....

    1. Juniper


      Watch this.....

  19. Have you ever listened to a song at a normal volume and then at full volume and it feels so much better?

    1. Vinny


      Oh hell yes~

    2. Darvan Korematsu

      Darvan Korematsu

      Every rock and metal song to ever exist with headphones. Always.

  20. I liked yesterday, yesterday was my favourite day of the summer

  21. I got my A level results and they're looking pretty good

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      Glad I'm not the only one and it turns out I worried for nothing

    3. Marcello


      Well, make sure you enjoy the rest of your worry free summer!

    4. BlueMoonIceCream


      Thanks, man I appreciate it

  22. I haven't watched any Youtube videos for about a week so you can guess what my next few days are gonna be like

    1. Cepheus


      still not watching youtube videos?

  23. I used a Manectric in my playthrough and to be honest I would've had a much harder time without because it outspeeded most other pokemon and I was able to paralyze them with thunder wave which is really good for the boss battles but over time it became weaker however I still enjoyed using it
  24. What if I decided to make exclusively depressing status updates to bring people's day down just a little?

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