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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. I think I may have social anxiety beyond typing

  2. I have too much time to think

  3. I remember playing a lot of yu-gi-oh and checking frequently to see if the website was back up again
  4. Well, first of all here are the unobtainable pokémon, http://www.serebii.net/heartgoldsoulsilver/unobtainable.shtml and here are the version exclusives. http://www.serebii.net/heartgoldsoulsilver/exclusives.shtml I'm assuming the rest are obtainable somehow which if you're looking for something specific I'm sure you can look it up
  5. I lost my electric yesterday which meant no internet and most of my stuff wasn't charged, so I went to get my 3ds just to see that I'd left it on standby for like 3 days and it was blinking red at me and I couldn't charge it so I just sat on a chair and thought for a day

  6. Do you ever type a comment o reply and realise after that you sound like a douche but can't do anything about it

  7. According to the download page it is 48+ hours of gameplay but I personally, on my most recent playthrough have played this game for .... 169 hours... how did that happen? This event used to be harder and you would get a Vulpix instead the KlingKlang was level 45 I believe, however it's been moved to way later if you're interested in a decent fire type
  8. I think that someone was trying to escape and got someone on the outside to cause confusion while they slipped out
  9. I think the reason the website was down was because someone tried to escape

    1. FlameI7


      I like this answer best.

  10. If you're training any ghost or dark pokemon you could train against unown under the grand stairway
  11. Meanwhile I'm sitting here with my mining kit and finger on the F12 button
  12. I'm sleepy tired and it's... 11pm what?!? can it be will I wake up at an appropriate time?!?

  13. I'm not in a good mood right now due to other people on the internet

  14. Would anyone be interested in playing yugioh with me against decks I made years ago and can't remember?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      I'll be using dueling network so it should work

    3. Plok


      I only got gb and hieratic deck dunno if I still remember how to play hieratics xD

    4. Omega_Ra1der


      I will play ya. Skills are rusted though

  15. I want to play insurgence with a character I made but I can't because of the clothes can someone help me?

    1. foovy10


      if the cloths are getting in the way maybe change the original ones to fit your character or remove the files for the cloths u start with but just in case dont just delete them

    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      I tried that bu the game crashes

  16. I have a lot of rejuvenation remixes stuck in my head, I mea I'm not complaining but still

  17. I would also like to know
  18. It's snowing on Mt.Fuji

    1. BreezyPonie


      I get that that's a Game Grumps thing, but where is it from? It confuses me every time :S

    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      It's from sonic boom near the end of their playthrough they use it for the end of haikus no matter what the rest of the haiku is related to which is funny because it has too many syllables to finish a haiku

  19. I have quite a few pokemon that I'm proud of but I would like other people to judge
  20. I just finished my playthrough of v6 and to be honest I blew right through it other than geara and zetta which will always be a nightmare

  21. Funny enough I found the game to be much easier the second time around and haven't had any trouble because I finally got my arcanine even against valerie I had little to no trouble mainly because of ludicolo and against angie I broke her field and all became clear that she can't win without it. point is it should be easier the second time because you know what's coming and you can prepare accordingly.
  22. I may have decimated angie...

    1. Omega_Ra1der
    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      one pokemon after I used heat wave to destroy the field

  23. I got a lucky togepi

  24. I am having a little bit of trouble attempting to beat Madame X. Is it even possible?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Kithros


      The changes made it a bit harder, but it's still possible with the same strategy, just with more resets and a few items (or insane RNG). I've beaten her again in v6.

    3. laggless01


      I don't know if her Yveltal still spams Sucker Punch in the beginning or if it is changed to Oblivion Wing, but if not, I took down two of her mons. I was very proud of that.

    4. Kithros


      Her Yveltal uses heat wave, zen headbutt, oblivion wing and dark pulse now iirc - for me though the most annoying change was that there was hail during the fight.

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