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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. Why is the sun rising? what time is i- Oh... I should probably hit some form of hay

    1. SnowGlaceon


      Story of my life

  2. Can someone tell me where I can find a lotad or lombre and does it have something to do with the lily pads I've been seeing?
  3. How do I get lombre in rejuvenation?

    1. Shing


      You should really go and post in the sub forum for helo mickey.

  4. When can I use rock climb?

    1. Shing


      In rejuveantion?

      After 7th gym.

    2. BlueMoonIceCream
  5. I was lucky enough to spawn next to the ladder
  6. Can anyone tell me what the "Battle - Intense" music from rejuvenation is a remix of because it's definitely my favourite remix so far and I can't quite place it... not that I can place the other ones to be honest

    1. SnowGlaceon


      I think that's the "Crisis City" remix by GlitchxCity. I'm not 100% sure because I don't have rejuv open right now, but you should go check it out regardless

    2. dead account

      dead account

      It's a remix of Crisis City from Sonic '06.

  7. I need a pokemon that can climb specifically rocks before or after Narcissa I was thinking venipede but it'll be a pain to train

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      Is there a TM/HM for rock climb? Also I'm also going to be using arcanine

    3. SnowGlaceon


      There is a tm for it, but I don't think it's before Narcissa

    4. BlueMoonIceCream


      I didn't know there was a tm but I kinda want rock climb soon I'm also unsure of whether you need a specific badge to use it or not

  8. I'm having a problem with an elevator

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Plok


      use the stairs :P

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      Well I'm trying to use the door but it turns into an elevator

  9. http://prntscr.com/80emo5 I'm having the same elevator problem in carotos whenever I enter this door I end up in the elevator and I have no idea where the last key is located and I'm hoping it isn't a hidden item but I'll look just in case
  10. When you leave the room and enter after the bug occurs the counter will reset itself
  11. I can finally use Arcanine in rejuvination and I'm pretty psyched about it, though getting a decent one required a lot of effort

    1. BIGJRA


      I used one too, took quite a while for crappy Growlithe to get Outrage, Crunch, and Flare Blitz so I could evolve it

  12. It was only covered in version 6 so you'd need to play until near the end, you'll get your answers don't worry
  13. There are a lot of things I want in life such as having a best friend(s) again, to get rid of all my doubts and stupidly paranoid way of thinking to meet new people and experience new things, but all I really care about is to have no worries, something to strive for the top is boring and for me and everyone around me to be happy Also for the love of god kill all the spiders
  14. You can get a zorua at this point in the game I usually use it against shade... and then never again plus it's easy to grind to the right level by fighting wild unown under the grand stairway
  15. Am I the only person that saves like 7 times just to make sure it saved?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cepheus


      I played about 8hrs of Rejuvenation V6 only just beat the first Gym and already saved a hundred times :P

    3. SnowGlaceon


      I am a very compulsive saver. It was good for Beta testing (when my file broke:()

    4. BIGJRA


      D SPACE D SPACE D SPACE D SPACE... Ok i'm good

  16. I've noticed that for some reason if you hold shift before choosing an attack at leas against wild pokemon they won't attack sometimes
  17. It appears in all of the alleyways, it first appears on a windy night disguised as something and it appears in the other alleyways after during a clear day and the last pokemon it's disguised as is a teddiursa so you might want to save at that point
  18. At this point in the game you can get zorua but it involves weather and time events you must also beat the magma or aqua gang leader.
  19. Rejuvenation version 6 HYPE!

  20. The main problem with this is if you switch them you will have to make the separate animations that don't exist with that character such as the running animation and the bike animation
  21. I'm going to sleep now and am hoping to sleep 10+ hours however that seems unlikely due to my house practically being a war zone during the day and I've stayed up so late it's become early

  22. The problem I have is if I were to take part it may involve spoilers however I am generally available until the end of the summer and god knows I'm bored, unfortunately though I have zero experience so I'm not quite sure how it would work, other than all that I'd be very interested to learn this kind of thing.
  23. It's 5 in the morning and I'm not tired... how do I get out of this?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      I don't know what either of those things are

    3. MoneyMadam


      Punch your balls. That may help. V:{

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