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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. I decided to try editing a few sprites which I only learned to do today thanks to amethysts tutorials which really helped a lot

  2. You should be able to get it again by using the machine but for some reason, for me at least the machine won't play any other events except for the froakie event
  3. Tfw your hair just won't do what you want it to and hope it sorts itself out

  4. As it turns out shofu wasn't playing rejuvination version 4 it's just that SOMEONE forgot to remove the end of version 4 message not pointing any fingers though

    1. Fumble


      T'was a bug in version 5, although not in the bug fix episode 5.5.

    2. Simon


      Ye. As soon as he released the video I realized it was that bug.

  5. What if b's were replaced with bees

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sunbean
    3. Maelstrom


      There there would be a lot of dessicated bees pressed into printed books and the like.

  6. reap benefits I think if I were to have a job it would be in game design or some sort of creative media though I feel I lack the imagination, but what I really want to do is create a video game that could influence people maybe even change their perspective it's something I need to look into.
  7. It's too noisy in here

    1. Lord Chespin

      Lord Chespin


    2. BlueMoonIceCream



  8. The magma hideout is all the way right of the grand stairway in an alley, you need to beat the magma leader before your leader will tell you about seventh street
  9. I thought that today was tomorrow thanks to me changing the date on my computer so I pretty much gained a day... I don't know how I feel about that

    1. Jacobliterator


      Tomorrow is yesterday and Thursday is April

    2. sakahime


      sunday: void.

    3. Sunbean


      In a way, you lost a day as well. So it balances out.

  10. A moth just flew in my window and attacked me! CALL FOR HELP!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lost Lore

      Lost Lore

      ...it is just a moth, you people are overreacting

    3. SnowGlaceon


      Be glad it isn't a spider

  11. I feel as though summer's become stale, everyday I've got nothing to do except find some sort of way to pass the time

    1. Felicity


      Job? That's my plan of action

  12. I've noticed that for some reason female and male meowstic share the same moves via level up even though they should be significantly different.
  13. Technically you do get to choose a starter you just don't get it at the start so it's not too bad but in my opinion the quiz thing was interesting I was pretty happy when I got a growlithe, I'm not really sure if it's necessary though I could see it annoying people, even though I don't have a problem with it.
  14. For some reason after I beat shiv in keneph cave connor is still battling with me even though he isn't following me anymore, he also won't let me leave the cave after I've been instructed to return to the surface by saying "We don't have time to dawdle" even though he's not with me. I don't really know what to do from here except reload my save file but either way I thought it was worth mentioning Edit:.....itdidn'twork Edit2:..........ifigureditout
  15. I want to play Bloodborne but I don't own a PS4... or Bloodborne

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Flux


      I played through Dark Souls 2 and am working on Dark Souls 1 right now, and I have to say they are AMAZING games. Dark Souls 2 is one of my favorite games of all time, so I've been really excited to play Bloodborne.

    3. Sunbean
  16. Amethyst I'm sorry I caved and donated $50 to the GameGrumps cherity stream instead of reborn please forgive me

    1. RasenShot


      Ame will banish you to the Shadowrealm for doing that :^]

    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      I- I'm sure I'll be fine right?

  17. Watching the GameGrumps charity stream on twitch

  18. I believe the cabinet is in serras house just click on bennets cabinet in his room
  19. I live in county antrim why where are you from?
  20. I've been playing a lot of monster hunter 4 recently but it would be better if I had someone to play with, I don't have any other friends with a 3ds unfortunately
  21. It's simple just go to the left from the waterfall and follow the stairs up to amaria's house
  22. Helping my little cousin play reborn she really likes the sprite editor so I want to show her how the site works

  23. Don't worry I'm always bored and looking for something to do so finding a decent ducklett shouldn't be a problem I'll get on it Edit: got one it learns pretty decent moves fairly early
  24. I had a feeling that was it although I feel like I tried that already in fact my computer is set to night time right now Thanks for the help
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