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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. I need help figuring out where to go, I finished the fighting dojo in oshawott square and talked to my father and have no idea what to do next
  2. You find it to the left when you enter the first room with unclean water in the water treatment centre, when you go to the left of that room you will enter another room with unclean water and two doors at the top of the room that you can reach one of them is locked the other has cultists in it, that is the room where you get the key
  3. I've played episode 15 a few times and the ditto never showed up but I didn't think much of it because I never needed it but it did appear for me in earlier episodes so it was probably removed either that or somethings wrong
  4. I got bored and managed to the puzzle surprisingly quickly on your file it's not the best timburr you can get so I'm sure you could breed it or something
  5. 6 rattatas holding focus sashes
  6. My favourite pokemon is arcanine and sparked a new interest in fire pokemon once I started to use it back in black 2 besides I like pokemon that can be adorable and badass at the same time
  7. You can get ditto after the eighth gym in 7th street you'll need shards to get it so you'll need to collect them
  8. My favourite game growing up would just be pokemon games in general but especially emerald I loved that game
  9. I may have made a mistake..... you get the idea
  10. Would it not be easier to grind a little later when you are doing double battles on route 3?
  11. I'm actually in the middle of an eighth now it's difficult because I let my 8 year old cousin pick which pokemon I had to use for an extra bit of a challenge
  12. Don't laugh at noel his swellow will end you!, wait since when did he have a wigglytuff?
  13. This is my main file ignore the amount of times I pressed D, Enter, Enter.
  14. What I find interesting about accents is that you always think about people speaking english with an accent but what if there was someone who had a weird combination of accents like a japanese - australian accent I think that would be pretty cool but what would accents sound like in other languages I mean I'm sure other languages have accents right?
  15. About 61 and a half hours which is a bit long but I managed to make 2 and a half teams worth of pokemon for rotation
  16. Thank you Dark I appreciate the welcome
  17. Thank you and I will make sure to not to touch your cake
  18. Hello my name is Michael and I'm not exactly new to reborn, I've just been stalking the forums until now but I've seen how well people respond to each other on this site and I wanted to get in on it. A little about myself, I live in Ireland, I spend most of my time enjoying video games or I watch let's plays for games I can't afford, I've done 7 playthroughs of reborn to date, I am very particular when it comes to certain things and my favourite pokemon is Arcanine I'm here to make friends and hope you will welcome me.
  19. My ace has always been Krai the arcanine especially when fighting charlotte with her drought ninetails, The field effect and flash fire it all does a lot of damage, I also was able to use this method for noel until his swellow happened.
  20. You will be able to get it once you finish the yureyu building I believe it is at the top right of the train tracks puzzle
  21. Well I guess I could just go back to episode 14 or I could get lucky with the egg.
  22. I can't find Drilbur because its location was changed in episode 15, it is now an event pokemon but I have no idea where to start looking. Can someone help me?
  23. This isn't the search bar?

    1. zimvader42


      It will if people keep using it as such

    2. Shamitako
  24. I'm still waiting for my Arcanine in version 6
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