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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. Haha correct my work here is done for now Anstane where you be?
  2. People only guess me right once in a BlueMoon ;3 gg Amine?
  3. I mean fair enough m8 whatever boats your float like Isa, how are you this morning?~
  4. I have no idea what you could mean >-> Anstane?
  5. All the other kids with the pumped up kicks, better run better run, outrun my gun~ All the other kids with the pumped up kicks, better run better run, faster than my bullets~ You could plow thru me ;3 Rev-eal yourself~
  6. I'm the sheriff 'round these parts Although you're welcome to stay stranger
  7. Jericho, your avatar is precious o-o Let me see it again
  8. If you wanna get into it we could talk on discord, there's a lot to talk about
  9. Aw, Juu, no, I thought you loved the piano, is it just the teacher ruining it for you? I... a lot of things have happened >->
  10. Really? No one? It's so quiet :c Isa, come back to me!
  11. Oh god please don't bring that in here
  12. Oh god please don't bring this in here
  13. What if you followed that with "Yeah, no but fur real tho"?
  14. Question, would you cat be offended if you asked her if she was a cat?
  15. Have you tried... asking her?
  16. Okay, it was originally a smeargle that sketched tranform from 33000000 smeargles prior that transformed into a ditto that transformed into a mew that transformed into a zorua that used its illusion to seem as though it were a ninja that used his transformation technique no justu to turn into another smeargle that happens to know transform from a previous sketch, repeat the loop indefinitely until they said "Screw it, Nyan"
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