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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. I do like the deck, not gonna lie, I actually am working on doing guardians at the moment..... guardians suck by the way
  2. I was kidding about boss rush >-> Wave motion cannon's fun I like it and I forgot ties of the bretheren was cards of different names my bad, I did read the rules, that's why I thought adding one would be harmless Nothing immediately pops into my head, believe it or not I've never built B.E.S. before >-> The only thing I can really think of is limiter removal You could probably get away with instant fusion if you used it for tribute fodder Oooooo Supply squad, would that work or does march of the monarchs protect them from their own effect? Seven dark monsters, Allure of Darkness? After testing the deck I noticed that tribute fodder isn't really an issue so scratch instant fusion, with the protection though limiter removal would be pretty good. Draw power is kind of a problem, not sure if supply squad would do much good except for coming back so maybe allure of darkness would help with that. Something I've noticed is that the despair uranus kinda steals the show a little bit unfortunately
  3. No boss rush? smh Why wave-motion cannon? I mean I guess this tournament will be slower but it really sucks when people pop it before you can cash in Would ties of the bretheren help, it doesn't prevent normal summons
  4. I haven't been on this thread since last year Spine?
  5. How can I possibly stay awake for 14 hours?! Lugruf?
  6. That's.... refreshing A solid "Nope ame" Feels good man Lugruf?
  7. Uh, lugruf just do what I do and send memes And yes spine there is an option to turn that off
  8. Lugruf, I was 90% of this thread before Discord, you're only now noticing because I disappeared The real people to blame is everyone else for not showing up enough Spine?
  9. Happy "Christmas Eve" Eve

  10. 1000 is right around the corner my dudes Anstane?
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