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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  2. Ha, you think I'm ever awake or have the capacity to be awake That'd be a christmas miracle Dragon?
  3. I'm waiting for a taxi to go home and thought I'd check out the mobile version of the site and it's pretty sweet. Lugruf?
  4. That is true, though once one person figures it out everyone copies the build instead of making something of their own y'know, however tech choices are for the most part personal choices which is what I was getting at basically Oh believe me I've experienced it, I still have PTSD when I hear a mermail player say "I'm going first" 0-0 Well it's negation's and card that interrupt your plays, basically anything that stops you from doing literally anything during your turn, for example if you play DM and you brick except for Magician's Rod which would let you search Illusion Magic to make your hand playable and the opponent Veiler's it and you just stare at your impending doom
  5. Noobly you can talk to me on Discord anytime you want remember~ Also I had the same experience once, it was more of a friend thing though not really sure if it's the same for you Noobly?
  6. Tech choices are the most creative part of deck building nowadays which is kinda my point. I'm biased when it comes to competetive because I like playing for the fun of it so keeping up with and countering the meta doesn't appeal to me but there are decks that are too weak to do well and I hate it. That's if you're lucky half the time to be fair and while card advantage is important it's still hard to get over 2 treatoad, 2 bahamut shark and abysmegalo equipped with abyss scale. It's only fun if you have all the pieces but if you can't even play it's just ridiculous, which is why I hate most meta decks because they just negate everything, in chaos max's case the only time you could consider them stopping you from playing is floodgate trap hole. I'd rather be run over by a truck than be paralyzed and watch as someone tears me apart
  7. Spoiler



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      Then I guess you'll have to wait ;3

    3. dead account

      dead account

      Nah. I'll just forget about this status.

    4. BlueMoonIceCream


      N-no that's fine, I-I didn't even care anyway b-baka ;~;

  8. I watch yugioh for the "plot" No but seriously I get what you're saying but the main reason I couldn't get into GX that much, at least at the beginning is because I just don't like Jaden's character, I liked a lot of the other one's but I have a lot of problems with him. I like the original because nostalgia goggles and that one scene where Atem destroys weevil on top of the train and the soundtrack was really good. I like 5D's because the plot was engaging for me, I liked Yusei a lot, the action was good believe it or not card games on motorcycles is actually pretty cool, one of my favourite archetypes came from that series, BlackWings, and the end really got to me ;~; I do have my fair share of complaints though it wasn't perfect, same with the original. Zexal... is zexal, I couldn't even finish it I stopped at Zexal II because I felt like I'd tortured myself enough but I will... and I say this reluctantly.. pick it back up again. And ARC-V is honestly really good so far, at the beginning it felt a lot like Zexal but then once the plot started rolling it got really good, and while the story so far isn't that impressive, it is presented so well that you don't even notice, and best of all they made characters not only more relevant but more memorable by giving them their own archetypes meaning no one is irrelevant of course unless they lose in which case you probably won't see them for a while, but the main thing that hyped me about Arc-V was the third opening where it teased cameo's and the fan boy inside of me was screaming. Also for the record I watch it subbed because they stopped caring after 5D's but even so the japanese soundtrack's are REALLY good that's the mmain thing that's kept me going this long. I could honestly talk about this for hours. I mean you know how it is and how it used to be, the game's just not the same anymore, playing competitve just feels horrible because not only are you fighting the same bullshit all the time but it's basically whoever goes first has too huge of an advantage and the game ends in basically one or two turns even though those two turns feel like an eternity. All I'm saying is the game went, at least for me, from Using strategy to overcome your opponent by building a fun and creative deck to, the deck basically builds itself and you win if you follow the handy guide book
  9. I liked 5D's quite a bit actually, it was GX that didn't really do anything for me at least until the last two seasons but by the last season Jaden was no longer Jaden they kinda broke him 0-0 And I have yet to finish zexal, although I can tell you now, I hated it, it is NOT good, the protagonists incompetence is what got me really bad Literally me until like a year ago Okay if you ever did decide to get into the game trust me a lot is different, it's actually kind of ridiculous compared to how it used to be. I mean it's fun and all because you get to make a bunch of plays in one turn summon a bunch of monsters, use those monsters to summon more monsters until at the end of the turn you just have a full field of 2+k beatsticks not looking at anyone in particular mermail treatoad Point is it can be fun to play but at the same time if you want to get into competitive.... it won't be fun I prefer traditional honestly it was good making nice clean decks that weren't broken as all hell and overpowering your opponent with genuine strategy rather than using cards that literally stop your opponent from playing while your deck basically plays itself and you attack for game :| I am pretty happy with all the older cards getting new support in fact Dark magician's looking pretty strong at the moment and that's one of my favourite cards, so to see it have a decent archetype, at least for now is nice, I just wish circle and navigation weren't secret >:|
  10. Tempsy? That's adorable I have to use that from now on I'd give you icecream cake but it's against personal policy Juu?
  11. That didn't answer my question WHAT DO YOU WANT?!
  12. Hey I made one of these lists, neat! So temp how's it feel to be stuck with me for the rest of your days eh? Gotta be exciting right? Anyway, you've survived longer than I have at least for now but you'll always be the wee boi Tempest?
  13. He's the main damage dealer, so of course he's powerful Tempest?
  14. The idle animation is the best part it was very well done in my opinion it gave the game a real nice feel to it Spine?
  15. Do I really have to liven up the place? Discuss Lugruf?
  16. Okay, I have to admit you're topic title got me so gg XD Welcome to the forums, you seem fun enjoy the scenery my dude
  17. That also ties in to it being too much effort, I don't want to deal with people's salt thank you very much Anstane?
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