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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Jan

  1. It is completed. This is a bug that only happens to old save files (Which I've fixed on my end). Glad I could help!
  2. One thing you could try is starting a new game and see if a new folder opens up. If that's the case, just put your saves in there and it should work.
  3. Wrong thread for this. Well, this is just not true, like, at all. This was one of the longest (if not the longest) update, lol. Mostly story oriented. Not much in terms of sidequests, but it's definitely not small. Souta has a move just like everyone else. The AI just doesn't like to use it, unfortunately. We're working on it.
  4. Nope! It's fine to continue at that point! Early game hasn't been touched much.
  5. Version 10 - Remember, I love you Cover art, by @Zumi ===================== So, If you were here around this time last year, you'd know that my computer died and I had no way of replacing it (Due to school bills, irl responsibilities, yada yada). But thanks to this wonderful community, I was able to gather funds to buy a new desktop! I thought about what I could do as a reward for those who donated, but then I told myself... Why not do something everyone would enjoy? Because there were people who could not donate, but helped gather others to help me out. What happens to them? So... I began working on a super secret project. A project only Zumi and I knew about at the time, and then later being my new formed Dev Team(tm). A secret project that seemed to cause a lot of discussi- *cough* not online *cough* Anyway, it's definitely not online, because that being the secret project would, in fact, be lame as hell. This time around ya boi brought in not one episode, but two. WAIT. Before you get ahead of yourself. The second episode does not continue the story line of the main game. It's a completely separate side episode that involves a certain leader we all know and forget about. Version -1 | Where Love Lies This side episode is a 4 chapter story that tells the tale of young Keta, and how he fell in love with Taelia. Playing this is completely optional and is not required to understand the main game's story. It does give a lot of juicy lore and info if you're into that stuff, I guess. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to give one final jab and tell you that this game won't be available to download until Friday, March 23rd. I planned on doing a dual release, but doing it this way will get certain people to shhhh about having nothing to do after completing the new main episode. Plus, understanding the side episode requires you to play the main episode first, so. Yeah, it all checks out. Finally a shout out to my Dev Team(tm). @Zumi @Winter @Alex @whomst'd've'n't @Ramiru @Azeria @Sir Wafflesand our new member @Ice Cream Sand Witch ! And thank you to my Beta Testers! We worked really hard to bring this episode to you, so I hope you enjoy it! It's an interesting episode that answers a lot of your burning questions. PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE PLAYING. SERIOUSLY, READ IT. DOWNLOAD LINKS: Pokemon Rejuvenation Version 10: Mega Mediafire PBS ----------------------------------------------------------- Pokemon Rejuvenation | Where Love Lies: Mega Mediafire Special Thanks to @Polaris and @Katastrophickid as usual. The og's~
  6. Beta Applications are up! Will probably let them run until this Thursday. Then we'll actually begin the testing on Friday! Like last time, the beta testing requires Discord. It's the easiest way for me to manage things. (Easiest way for some of my team too!) Beta Testing: APPLICATIONS ARE HERE
  7. I think the status bar says it all. Correct!
  8. Well, if there's one thing I've learned while doing this it's that you can't please everybody. However, like I said in the reply post to Commander, it's a WIP and nothing is set in stone.. Things can still change and they most likely will. Also no, ??? is not achievements. I haven't forgotten to update it, it's just not a huge priority right now and hasn't been worked on. I'll talk about that later though.
  9. 1.) There are no missable achievements. 2.) Pokemon aren't prizes, and never will be. There will be exclusive items, however. Achievements aren't the only way to rack up AP, but that's an explanation for a different time. 3.) It is not possible to fail an achievement. All the achievements can be completed at -any- point in the game. You could ask the same question in reverse. Why give something with no purpose? The amount of pressure you put is completely on yourself. No one is chaining you down to complete them, especially when there will be other ways of racking up AP. Achievements are just one way. Technically, that's new information, but it's still relevant. Plus, the system can be tinkered and improved on as new versions come out. So if there are any rough spots (Which I'm sure there will be) we can smooth them out. It's all a WIP. But, really, we can go in circles with this one so I'm just going to leave it at that.
  10. Who knows? Maybe you might just get your wish...
  11. Merry Christmas!! 🎄🎄🎄

    1. Chrixai


      Merry Christmas Jan!

    2. Layback80


      Merry Christmas!

  12. I finally updated the status bars, lol. If I'm honest I forgot it existed. Nevertheless, they're updated. I decided to put the ??? bar on its own for reasons. Reasons I shall not talk about here. At least not yet!
  13. Sorry, I've barely been home lately to do any work. That's why the progress bar has barely made any jumps. Things should pick up after Thanksgiving is over.
  14. Alright, the Dev Team and I are in a bit of a situation. You could say that our opinions are split right down the middle. Therefore we need a tie breaker. (Technically it wasnt a tie, but I still want outside opinions. Sue me. Nintendo do not interact ) So back to the protagonist sprites. I've come up with a couple of possible variations: Currently, the two that are in heavy combat are 1 and 5. Personally, I'd rather not sprite -another- blonde character in this game, but if that's what ends up being the most popular then whatever....... it's no big deal........... Since there are a combination of answers, the combination with the most votes will be what will be Aevis' official sprite. Second place becomes the outfit later obtainable. Sound good? good. ok. Vote now Poll ends on Tuesday!
  15. I read all of your criticisms and I'll be working hard to improve on both Aevis and Aevia's look! Thank you guys~
  16. Post #2 | Player Character Updates - 10/20/2017 | 20/10/2017 Almost a month since my last post. Oops. Oh well, better late than never. So I've been wanting to show stuff for a while now, but due to Player Character updates, it's been a trial. I can't really show things without showing these first, so here we are. There's nothing really to say here because the title is pretty self explanatory, tbh. Old designs were really outdated and uninspired, so I decided it's time for the crew* to have modernized gear! Out of all of them, I think Axel got the most changes. His design was pretty bland and a blatant male copy of Aria's. I think his character needed the update the most, but in the end I decided, if he's getting an update, the rest probably should too. *Alain and Aero are not included because things have not been finalized for them yet. I'll get to them -eventually- **Please note that these are not finalized and are still under a WIP status. Certain things may change before the public release of V10. Now, I pose a question for all of you. Would you like the old designs to stay in the game as some sort of easter egg that can be switched to? Pls answer below! http://www.strawpoll.me/14191116 Overworld Sprites [Together] Aevia Aevis Aria Axel
  17. I can't tell you how you'll get Fly, but you won't be able to fly around like Melia does. As cool as it would be, it's not practical to code, and also it would just be a faster bike at that point, lol. It won't be removed. You'll be able to use it at your leisure!
  18. I wasn't actually aware that levels were present in the manga. That's interesting... Well since you asked so nicely, I'll do it just for you.
  19. Not entirely wrong. The level 100 cap will probably be increased during the post game. Not everything needs this huge explanation, imo. I'll probably just tell the player how it works and end it at that. In the concept of the actual show, levels don't exist. It's just a frame made to create gameplay progression. Also that shouldn't have been green, lol. It's been corrected. Alsox2 quoting now works??
  20. @DreamblitzX It was intentional and unintentional at the same time. I did take some of the power in normal and shift it over to Intense mode. Some battles in normals were just way too difficult to call "normal". Unfortunately, some fights in normal were too nerfed and resulted in really easy fights. Revenant Keta is one where I had to remove mons because of the amount of exp that was given at that point. But because of the new cap system, that will no longer be necessary. So Keta will get his full tem back in v10. @sandy The cap between Venam and Keta is definitely not 20, lol. It's 10. Like I said in the post, levels will be going down by 5.
  21. Post #1 | Level Caps and Balancing === Okay, first thing! I'm sure it's no secret that the level 100 cap is slowly creeping up on us. It's something I've been concerned about for quite a while. However, the Dev Team and I have come up with solutions to this problem. The Level Cap has new mechanics and I'd like to talk about them! Passing the cap in the old system just made your Pokemon disobedient. This was something that didn't even work well because half the time Pokemon would do what it was told anyway. There was basically no reason for the level cap to exist. In this new system, passing the level cap is not possible. The Level Cap is 20? No matter how many battles you do before breaking this cap, no Pokemon will exceed level 20. Huh? What's that? You've seen past my lie? Alright, fine. I don't want to limit people within the cap -too much-. Truth is, it's only half-impossible. Passing the level cap isn't possible... with Exp. You'll still be able to pass the cap through other means like Rare Candies. However, like before, Pokemon that go pass the cap will become disobedient. The only way to fix this is to de-level them with Reverse Candies, or breaking the cap by obtaining a new badge. So that much hasn't changed. That's pretty much it when it comes to the Level Cap, though. Muy simple. Game balance time!! === Ah, game balance... I don't particularly like doing this (At least for Pokemon games). I actually don't really care for it either. That's why two of my lovely Dev members, @Alex and @Azeria will be in charge of that from now on. Good. Take it. I don't want it. Probably for the best anyway. (I'll still be supervising things, of course.) Because of the Level Cap's new mechanics, we're able to do things that were not possible before. Previously I had to increase the cap from level 20 to level 30 after Venam because of the crazy amounts of gameplay between the first and second badge. However, since exp no longer matters after the cap is reached, I can bring the cap from level 30 to level 25. What does that mean? Well, it means all the levels after the second badge shall decrease by 5. As a result, most players will most likely be overleveled by the time V10 rolls around. Don't worry, I will always look out and care for each and every one of you!! I will be handing out 5 free Reverse Candies to compensate for the level decrease. Whether you actually want to use them or not is up to you. And finally!! Last thing! Because of all this... I can finally give trainers substance. I don't need to give trainers 1 or 2 Pokemon all the time. The possibilities are endless. More fun for me, probably means less fun for you. So I'll probably have to control what I actually do. Heh. Teams will change. Chaos shall ensue. Rosters will rise in number. And the suffering shall continue.
  22. Now, now... If I wanted everyone to know so soon, I wouldn't have marked it as "???". :]
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