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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Jan

  1. I'm on vacation rn so I'm going to be taking a look at the apps + picking members at the end of this week! 👀👀

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tringus


      Curious, but were the members picked already?  I didn't know if that already happened, so I thought I'd ask.

    3. ShadeStrider


      Most likely It's Either:  A. Jan needs another break, so he's taking it. I have no problems with that. He is struggling with depression, after all. Things like that are serious.


      Or B. He already chose the members. He never said he would share it with us.

    4. Tringus


      Aye, that's understandable. Either way, I got no problems with that.  Curiosity got the better of me, is all.

  2. Flora has a fidget spinner as a hair clip confirmed.

    1. Jan


      for* gdi. phone ruining all my memes

    2. ShadeStrider


      Coming 2018: Fidget Spinners The Movie.


      A Young... Fidget Spinner is a different color than all of the other Fidget Spinners, and feels left out. Then a conspiracy involving Beyblades Taking over the world arises. Now the Young... Fidget Spinner must use his unique colors to defeat the evil Beyblades.



      T. J Miller as the young Fidget Spinner

      James Corden as All of the Evil Beyblade Grunts

      Patrick Stewart as the Evil Beyblade Mastermind

      Nicholas Cage as God.

  3. Oh, okay. That would explain that. Thanks!
  4. Thank you guys for the kind words of encouragement and support. I want to clarify that I'm not blaming anyone for being excited. It was my fault that I took things way too personally. It's something I'll just have to deal with in the future as I work to becoming more mentally stable. That being said, I've been trying to reply to some of these personally via quoting, but it seems like that's not working that well... so that's fun. (I tried to substitute that by liking all the ones I've read, lol. That works, right?) Thank you guys again! I will work hard to bring you all content that's enjoyable and quality! --- @Filthy Casual You can submit as many as you like!
  5. So... it's been a little while, hasn't it? Truthfully, I've been putting off this thread for a while because it's not something I really like talking about, but here we are anyway! I kind of vanished into thin air after the release of Version 9, didn't I? I've never done that before. There have been breaks before, but nothing on this scale. Well, the reason why I left was because I was overwhelmed, disappointed and stressed. This kinda stems from the creation of the Version 9 status thread. In the beginning, the thread was pretty good. I had good reception and nice discussions going on, but towards the end of the development, it got pretty... tiring to deal with. Every other post was someone asking for an update or why the progress bar didn't go up in the past couple of days. But let's dial this back a bit. During this time (and still true to an extent now) I was dealing with chronic depression. I couldn't find the motivation to work on the game. Not only that, but I work a 7-5 job. So those hours of the day were dedicated to that, but after I got home, I had obligations I had to take care of and then when all that was said and done, it was 10pm and I was exhausted. Needless to say, things didn't get done around this point. Then my computer died, but we all know what happened with that. (This community is great and I will always be grateful for you all! ) Now, when the beta testing was going on, I still received comments in the status thread and in emails asking me where the game was or why it was taking so long. I have to admit, it made me feel pretty guilty. I thought I wasn't doing enough. It's pretty clear to me now (and probably to a lot of people) that I rushed the release. I was tired of feeling guilty and I was mentally exhausted from my job and my depression. So I got the game out as fast as I could, and that caused the game to be released with quite a bit of bugs. I felt disappointed in myself for releasing it in the state that it was. After the community helped me so much to get where I was, this is what I had to show for it. So eventually I decided it was time for me to leave for a bit and recollect myself. I left a quick message and just vanished. I stopped replying to emails, I stopped reading comments, and I just went on day by day, and I apologize for it. If it's not common knowledge, I'm a solo dev. I primarily do all the work myself (with help from Zumi, Ame and Marcello occasionally). But besides the cover art and the VS sprites, I make all the character designs, I create all of the maps, I do some of the code myself, and I organize things myself. This worked for a while, but as the game gets bigger and bigger, I don't find it practical to keep working on things alone. It just makes things take longer and frankly there's just too much to do for one person. #----------------------# So that's actually why I'm opening up spots for a development team. #----------------------# As for Version 10... If you know me, you'd know that I'm bad at taking legitimate breaks, lol. I've actually have been working on Version 10 in secret. So much that I've already finished around 90% of the story. Oops. That being said, it's -nowhere- near completion. And for the reasons explained above, I'm not sure whether or not I'm going to put up a status thread. I'm thinking of replacing it with a dev blog instead. Thoughts? Until things are settled completely, I ask that you remain patient for Version 10's release. ...Okay fine, I guess I'll show you something related to V10's story. Just a little appetizer. Development Team Applications Development Team Applications Development Team Applications Development Team Applications Development Team Applications Also, while I was gone I developed an unhealthy emoji addiction. I mean, I'm not addicted... I can stop whenever I want.........................
  6. Hey guys, I'm going to be posting an important post/announcement sometime this week. Sorry for my absence, but I'll be back more often soon!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dreamy


      No need to apologise, you definitely deserved the break! that said, it's always exciting to get new news/announcements


    3. ShadeStrider


      A new announcement would be very welcome indeed. 

    4. Chrixai


      Take your time fam

  7. Feel free too! I love hearing suggestions and if it is in within my power, I'll most likely get to them. (They'll most likely be low priority though)
  8. It's definitely a problem, and one that I acknowledged. I already had two people go through the game for me and scavenge the game for every typo they could find. They were pretty thorough and I think we honestly found most of them so I won't put up a whole new thread just for that. I won't be releasing any new patch until V10, though. So they'll remain in the game until then.
  9. It was intentional. There was too much exp being given out and it was just too loaded of a fight for that point in the game. But this isn't the first time this has been brought to my attention. If people want it, I can restore his old team for intense mode, but normal mode will stay the same.
  10. I'm alive.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Dynamo


      welcome back :)

    3. BRS swag

      BRS swag

      YEAH!!!!!!!!! JAN'S BACK

    4. ShadeStrider


      Return. A move that has a base 102 power based with max happiness. We are happy to see that Jan is back.


      Amusing on two levels.

  11. Going to be taking a break from the forums for a few weeks. Need a refresher and a break in general. So I'll be back in a few weeks and then the v10 status thread will go up. See you then o7. 

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Anime


      you deserve a break d00d, enjoy ;)

    3. Dynamo


      Enjoy your break! Thanks for all the hard work :)

    4. sapphiet
  12. why can't I find gible on route 1 in rejuvenation, this game is garbage.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Trooperk


      Did you search hard enough Jan? I found a shiny one after a good 10 encounters... Or maybe that was a Rattata......Bah I don't remember. Same difference right?

    3. Dreamy


      There isn't even any legendaries as starter options SMH

    4. Hycrox


      Bullshit. Just, bullshit. Is it too fucking much to get an Arceus within the first 10 seconds of the game? Just... wow

  13. Are you sure you patched correctly? It's working as intended for me.
  14. 10th and (hopefully) final patch is out. Has a lot of fixes and I -think- it takes care of most, if not all of the game breaking issues found so far. Those experiencing the keta glitch will no longer need to post their save in the thread. This patch should take care of that for you. Speaking of the Save File Troubleshooting thread, this isn't that. Do not post your saves here unless stated otherwise. This thread is already clogged with duplicate reports etc. All other bugs will be fixed during v10's development!
  15. ICSW is correct. Just fixed it on my end. I have tried many things to reproduce this last time it was reported, but it works fine for me everytime so I don't really know what to tell you. Put your save in the troubleshooting thread and it will be fixed for you as soon as it's possible to.
  16. 1. Sure, I'm not sure if I'm doing anything with them yet either, but I'm just setting it up now just in case I decide to do something. 2. The Rose Theatre will probably be the best place. As for Rorim B.'s music... Which I've gotten so so sos sososoossososos many messages about... I didn't remove it because I hated it or anything, I just had to cut down on songs because the file size was becoming way too large. If people miss it that much I'll just put it back in V10.
  17. Too late, this one's been reported quite a few times already ^~^.
  18. Yeah, this is intentional. In normal gameplay, the player is still unable to go back to Sheridan at this point and the end of V9.
  19. When my computer broke, it seems I lost more files than I thought. Some things were corrupted and didn't transfer over. The Gen 7 shiny thread has been reopened for this reason.
  20. Found the issue. It'll be fixed in the next (and last) patch. Ah, this was reported but I've neglected the list as no on seems to read it anyways lol. But I've noted it now. It's fixed on my end. Yep, this has been reported already and fixed on my end. A patch will come out soon. Are you loading the game directly from V8? If so then you loaded up in an unsafe area.
  21. Download the latest patch and it will be fixed. It's located on the first post of this thread and under the main download on the V9 thread.
  22. In that case, I'll leave the sprites here for anyone who wants to help. I'd like to get these done by sunday so I'll do some myself.
  23. Yeah, the confusion is my fault. Sorry about that. Anyway, I got this all figured out. There are some forms without shinies so I guess I'll have to do them myself. Mimillons?? It's possible I may have overlooked them. Just repost them. Also put in all the upgrades you made. Might let go of the glass Vivillon. There's no trace of any more than just the front sprite, so I guess I'll replace them with "Mimillons". As for the Monokuma one, I believe @Bazaro made that one? If so, do you still have the backsprite for that one? Edit; Nevermind, I had it all along, hah. Got them. Thanks. Got the scatterbug and co, All I need is the mega-zam.
  24. Ah. Noted. They just don't have dialogue after you beat them. The Zubat is the reward so you aren't losing anything.
  25. I'm assuming you've just upgraded from V8 to V9? You probably loaded up in an area you werent supposed to be loaded up in. Try reloading while on the train. Yes, Future Sight has already been reported.
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