So... it's been a little while, hasn't it? Truthfully, I've been putting off this thread for a
while because it's not something I really like talking about, but here we are anyway!
I kind of vanished into thin air after the release of Version 9, didn't I? I've never
done that before. There have been breaks before, but nothing on this scale. Well, the
reason why I left was because I was overwhelmed, disappointed and stressed.
This kinda stems from the creation of the Version 9 status thread. In the beginning,
the thread was pretty good. I had good reception and nice discussions going on, but
towards the end of the development, it got pretty... tiring to deal with. Every other
post was someone asking for an update or why the progress bar didn't go up in
the past couple of days.
But let's dial this back a bit. During this time (and still true to an extent now) I was dealing
with chronic depression. I couldn't find the motivation to work on the game. Not only that,
but I work a 7-5 job. So those hours of the day were dedicated to that, but after I got home,
I had obligations I had to take care of and then when all that was said and done, it was 10pm and
I was exhausted. Needless to say, things didn't get done around this point. Then my computer died, but we all know what happened with that. (This community is great and I will always be grateful for you all! )
Now, when the beta testing was going on, I still received comments in the status thread and in emails asking me where the game was or why it was taking so long. I have to admit, it made
me feel pretty guilty. I thought I wasn't doing enough. It's pretty clear to me now (and probably to a lot of people) that I rushed the release. I was tired of feeling guilty and I was mentally exhausted from my job and my depression. So I got the game out as fast as I could, and that caused the
game to be released with quite a bit of bugs. I felt disappointed in myself for releasing
it in the state that it was. After the community helped me so much to get where I was, this is what I had to show for it. So eventually I decided it was time for me to leave for a bit and recollect myself. I left a quick message and just vanished. I stopped replying to emails, I stopped reading comments, and I just went on day by day, and I apologize for it.
If it's not common knowledge, I'm a solo dev. I primarily do all the work myself (with help from Zumi, Ame and Marcello occasionally). But besides the cover art and the VS sprites, I make all the character designs, I create all of the maps, I do some of the code myself, and I organize things myself. This worked for a while, but as the game gets bigger and bigger, I don't find it practical to
keep working on things alone. It just makes things take longer and frankly there's just too much to do for one person.
So that's actually why I'm opening up spots for a development team.
As for Version 10... If you know me, you'd know that I'm bad at taking legitimate breaks, lol.
I've actually have been working on Version 10 in secret. So much that I've already
finished around 90% of the story. Oops. That being said, it's -nowhere- near completion. And for the reasons explained above, I'm not sure whether or not I'm going to put up a status thread. I'm thinking of replacing it with a dev blog instead. Thoughts?
Until things are settled completely, I ask that you remain patient for Version 10's release.
...Okay fine, I guess I'll show you something related to V10's story. Just a little appetizer.
Development Team Applications
Development Team Applications
Development Team Applications
Development Team Applications
Development Team Applications
Also, while I was gone I developed an unhealthy emoji addiction. I mean, I'm not addicted... I can stop whenever I want.........................