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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Jan

  1. Speaking of the beta testing apps, I think I should point this out for the future but... There were some applications I wanted to accept, but couldn't because people would list their Discord, but not their tag id afterwards. So be sure to include that next time. (Also some usernames were different from their forum account names, rip. So I should've asked for that in the first place. My mistake.)
  2. I definitely don't think it will take this long, but it's still possible. Big version to go through.
  3. Sorry love, but this isn't the thread for that. Nope, I'm afraid the game's over until next time. I might show something anyway, though. Or not. : D <3
  4. God Bless @Marcello tbh. 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. pyrromanis


      Yeah ! God bless Marcello and his amazing taste on Exeggutor memes :]

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      did I just walk into a weenie convention smh

    4. Hycrox


      Technically, weenie and me conversation, but yes

  5. The results are in!!!! Option 2 was the most picked and it was... the incorrect answer. Since there were only 3 choices, option 2 looked the best, didn't it? It's in the middle! Well, fortunately for me, and unfortunately for you, I predicted that option 2 would be the most popular. Thus, it was chosen as this game's bad answer. R.I.P.
  6. Okay, okay fine. I tried to throw everyone off my trick when Commander basically outed the "Pick one!" mind game thingy, but you were correct. One was actually the incorrect answer. Subliminal messages are fun and they're key to victory. That and second guessing. These were the results. Ya'll really like #3. This further proves that study that said "c" is the most popular multiple choice answer. Anyway, you guys ONE, so I'll show you something. Character sprite updates yay! Jan, th-that's only one thing! You promised three things!! Yes, I did. I didn't say I would reveal ALL three right off the bat, though. The game's not over, hun. Same rules apply.
  7. May the odds be ever in your favor <3.
  8. I'm actually going for something different. It's a mind game. Three of these are correct, while one is a dupe. Which one is it? Is my answer correct? Will I ruin everything by picking this option? Having the individual second guess themselves is what I want. Second guess and I'll probably win ^~^
  9. Either 109 people voted or someone in here has been voting multiple times. WHICH IS CHEATING. I didn't explicitly state you couldn't do that so I'll let it slide this time................................ Next time I won't be so kind.
  10. Let's play a game!!!!!! I have three things to show you guys, but I'll leave what I show up to you all. All you have to do is choose one of these options. There's one catch, though... You may be thinking, Jan... You put 4 options! Haha yes! I did! Three of these will hold something new to show. One of these will negate the whole game and I will show nothing! The one with the most votes wins. Have fun!
  11. I actually did not know about this. This is really cool. Thanks for sharing this!
  12. Version 8 came out before the animations were done! Version 9 will have those animations.
  13. I've actually already gone through all the applications I've had thus far and selected everyone. I'm just waiting until Thursday. That's when applications close. So I'm going to say the Beta -might- start on Friday. That's when I'll contact everyone. That's my goal. Edit @GenericName I've updated the OP with the application for beta testing. So you can go there if you're interested.
  14. The mentality of "I'm never going to play official games because fangames exist" is the exact reason why fangames get sniped. If we threaten their product then they'll threaten us in return. So... Pls support Pokemon so that they won't delete me.
  15. I will say though, we've made good progress! Not much longer now.
  16. Can't really tell you because I'm not keeping a percent on it. It's under the "It's ready when it's ready" category.
  17. You know what guys? I hear you. I hear the calls for a void puzzle with invisible walls. I do like to please people. Loki has inspired me. <3 Don't say I never listen to you all!
  18. I mean there's like 3 major puzzles in the entire game, lmao. I think you guys are safe. For now at least.
  19. It's an audio file, not an image. You're fine!
  20. https://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/d/d1/Vayne.joke2.ogg/revision/latest?cb=20121119215723
  21. h aha ah aha aha aha yes. I fixed them all a long time ago. I just didn't mention it here. I just brought it up because someone mentioned that Amber was easy. She's a lot tougher now with the right EVs!! But she still might be easy if you decide to go for Rain Dance. Who knows? The balance in this version is going to be so different.
  22. Did you guys know that essentials handles stats differently. HP/AT/DEF/SPAT/SPDEF/SPEED is the usual setup, but for some reason in essentials it's HP/AT/DEF/SPEED/SPAT/SPDEF!!!!! H a ha ah ... cause I sure didn't.
  23. That's every pokemon game except gen 3, tbh.
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