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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Jan

  1. Yes you can. You need a gourmet treat AND have it be night time. Then you interact with the tree.
  2. Okay, Version 8.1 is out! The following bugs have been fixed: In addition to these fixes, some changes have been made to the Darchlight Forest field effect. Lastly, Flora and Florin receive some team changes and buffs. Flora is now defensive, while Florin is hyper offensive. Their teams have been modified accordingly. There likely won't be an V8.2 unless there are several more gamebreaking errors found. In which case, it shouldn't take as long as this period has.
  3. It will most likely be out later today/tomorrow.
  4. This thread is also a year old. Please refrain from necroposting.
  5. Well, if you post your save I can inspect it myself and see if anything went wrong.
  6. It says fixed in green text. Which means it's fixed in my version, but not in everyone else's version. V8.1 will most likely be out today or tomorrow and will contain that fix.
  7. You have to read all the books for the final clefairy to appear. If you cant find it, you havent read all the books.
  8. Nah, you're good. I just... wanted to know where the third one was, haha. Noted.
  9. Well you're going to have to give me the location of the third one.
  10. Yeah, this has been reported already, but would you mind sending me your save file so that I can test this further? Reported already. It's in the wall of bugs. Noted. Is this on a new file, or an old file?
  11. No one said the Light Ball was the reward... Not good to make assumptions you know~
  12. Edit: My mistake. I read this wrong. Anyway, I'll look into it. Also, try not to double post. I've merged it this time, but you can get warning points for continuing this.
  13. No, no... you see... their pampering is so good that you evaporate. fixed
  14. Version 8 - Stopped In Our Tracks Yes, I know, Version 8 was originally called "Grand Dream City?". But I sacrificed that title for a pun. Yes, a pun. I'm hardcore like that. Anyway, there's no reason to keep you all waiting so I'll just immediately give you with this: Links: Updated 6:33 est 7/25/16. V8.1 #####Reflections##### So, I'm never going to say a version won't take long anymore. Even if I know for a fact it's true. Unexpected things happened that kept delaying this release more and more. First my computer completely died for a couple of weeks, and I lost a ton of data (Please excuse any minor errors found along the way. A lot of things had to be brought up from scratch. Still report them, though!). Then I basically got a job that gave me literally no time to work on this actively. Thankfully, things have eventually come to a close and Version 8 is done. Like I said, this version is quite short. It sets up the ground work for future episodes. In this episode you'll have to analyze the little information you're given and make a choice. A choice that will determine the rest of your adventure for Act 2. Life is simply unfair, don't you think? This is the decision game. I hope you guys enjoy what is here, no matter what size of content. It was a pleasure to make. ####Honarable Mentions##### I have to give credit to where it's due, and a lot of people stuck with me after this long development process. Places that you should -not- load up in: Full cover artwork (by Zumi)
  15. Nope. No trolling this time around. It is 100% done. Version 8 will most likely be released tonight or tomorrow morning at the -latest-. (I would love to release it earlier, but these things do take time to upload, and the beta just ended.) So I hope you guys will be patient with me just a little bit longer. Ame said something that applies here too. "No one is more impatient about a game's release than I." Thank you guys for waiting and I hope you enjoy the next chapter of Rejuvenation!
  16. Mfw it looks different for people depending on what browser they use. it's supposed to look like this :T. Edit: WAIT I HAVE AN IDEA.
  17. We have fun here at PokemonReborn dot com.
  18. ...Or maybe I worked late yesterday, came home and fell asleep quickly. That could also be an option.
  19. You guys need to git gud. If it were done, another topic wouldve been made. When have I ever placed the link in the status thread, lol? Get memed on.
  20. Please calm yourself. We still have like 4 months of corocoro's to get through. Of course they're going to reveal what they do. IIRC, Mega Evolution wasn't touched upon until August. They're not going to reveal everything in one magazine. Interesting.
  21. Do you remember the last thing you did before this?
  22. I already have it planned to change the in game battle sprites. That will happen through the course of V9's development. Edit: While those are nice battlesprites, I plan to switch all backsprites to Gen 5. Thanks for linking that, though.
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