So I got up really early today and couldn't go back to sleep, so the obvious thing to do was to get dressed, take a selfie and go out for breakfast at like 5 am right?
Oh dear....
Ohhh, this is an easy fix. The sound file that plays the music on this theme is known to crash MAC users unfortunately. Just go into Audio/BGM and then delete Music - Wispy Path. No music, but no crashes too.
How did you even accomplish skipping that whole segment? O_o? Details pls
.If you're playing Version 6, you can load up backup files. These are located in the Saved Games folder. Also do you remember what that error message said?
Ugh, I honestly wonder the same thing. I thought about it and realized! Majority of the characters are females is because of this particular person. Their name is- [is shot to death because spoilers].
1. We do.
2. They will definitely be in the game later, this is just a small torturous way of saying I love you. Have them early if you don't care for your sanity. I like you all better without it anyway.