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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Jan

  1. Thank you guys ;-;. I appreciate it lots! Zumi is about to get her's. I haven't forgotten about what she did to me while I was gone....
  2. Jan gained 247 experience. Jan leveled up to level 19!

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Sonikku


      HAPPY BIRTHDAY :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° ) ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪ ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪ ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° )ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪ ( ͡°╭...

    3. Sonikku
    4. CapnFlamingo02


      Happy Birthday Jan! :)

  3. Ok, let's start People with the [unknown] next to their name are hidden for spoiler reasons, or because their name is simply not decided or known to anyone. I may have forgot someone because it's late, but feel free to ask specifics.
  4. Could you post a picture of where you are? Also, have you tried interacting with the door?
  5. Yep, this indeed does happen! This is technically a bug, but a very minor one.
  6. This was fixed in 6.2 iirc. Here you go!
  7. I've tried different things, but it doesn't seem to be working. Fortunately, Rejuvenation uses the same backup system Reborn uses (Feat. Kuro). Go to your Saved Games folder and rename the earliest save you have in there.
  8. First day of class and I'm already dying on the inside.

    1. Arkhi


      There's an Atok for that I'd post but I can't post it because dammit I'm at school.

    2. Red_Chaos


      always sit in the back

    3. SnowGlaceon


      Don't be afraid to drop one if it's too much. Good luck!

  9. This was probably not the thread to remind me of that, but everything in that bug reporting thread is noted and I won't forget about it.
  10. The amount of bugs was normal for any release of a game, really. Looking for bugs isn't something you can get better at either. It just sorta finds you. : P.
  11. The only reason why v6 took so long was because I basically made a new game in 2 months. College starts up again soon, though. I can't promise that I will survive the hell that is college work x.x \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/.
  12. Nah, none of v7's maps were made. So new maps and three old ones remodeled, yes.
  13. Hello naughty children it is time for this again. Not many maps will be remodeled in this version (THANK GOD JFESUFHDUJKFSGB, I'm ok.). I think there's a good number of like, three maps...? Including the Lost Camp. Prior updates (0%) #################### | Field Updates (0%) #################### | Event Updates (0%) #################### | Graphic Updates (0%) #################### | Map Remodeling (0%) #################### | Misc Updates (0%) #################### | Scripting Updates (0%) New content (0%) #################### | Mapping (0%) #################### | New Field Effects (0%) #################### | Eventing (0%) #################### | Sidequests (0%) #################### | Story (0%) Total Completion: #################### | (0%) Never Test #################### | (100%) :Kappa:
  14. Here's the work I came up with for ref, but it seems I was wrong.
  15. I agree wholeheartedly. I'm going to point out a specific comment that people say(Or used to say, at least to me.) and speak from my perspective on why it wasn't/isn't okay. When I first started Rejuvenation, you wouldn't believe the backhanded compliments I used to get from people here, even though I was still new to game making. Let me just say right here, saying "It's good....but not as good as reborn" Is equally destructive as the comments seen on Shofu's video. It's destructive because you put someone down, for one, and you don't leave any feedback as to why you feel that is. I will admit that early on... they got to me, because it hurt my motivation. Someone who was still new to the whole RPG maker scene. I'm not sure if this still goes on with other projects on this forum, but if it does- stop. I just ask you to stop. You're not helping anyone by saying stuff like that. If you don't think it's up the expectations of yourself, then say why! These games are in beta. They need your feedback. This applies to any game, including Insurgence.
  16. The buuuuuugssss are driving me insane. Noted and will fix.
  17. Yeah the first one was a self inflicted plot hole on my part. That place wasn't originally supposed to be blocked but one day I thought "aw yeah man, this would be cool." 2.Angie's flyers are magical (obviously, they can appear and disappear at random). "There's no excuse for anyone to not see these flyers". This wasn't explained in the game, but it probably should be. But it was also said that he can "see like a bug" due to his connection with bug types as well.
  18. I mean, it's not like that's not already possible, if you know where to look. Plus like I said, there will be a shortage of rare candies. So they wouldn't even be able to sell the candies anyway. Not sure why you would sell a rare candy in the first place when it brings you over the cap though. :x.
  19. I can confirm that if this is a thing that goes through- Aevium will suddenly go through a drought of Rare Candies...
  20. K, gonna nitpick n' stuff. 1.Ren backs off because he's too chicken to go inside. He was standing outside because he was building up courage. He blocks off the gate to make sure the player doesn't go there themselves. Then proceeds to take the longer, but alternate route to Goldenleaf. 2.There's no need to spam caps, just asking for a paralyze heal item would have been enough... jeeze. (Put them in the game as I wrote this btw. Dat quality insurance.) 3. Level cap awkwardness will inevitably be fixed in version 7. 4.Yeah... having Tyrogue there was actually a mistake. I'm a jerk, but I'm not that much of a jerk. It was supposed to be Makuhita, Not Tyrogue. 5.The healing machine in Crawli's room is supposed to heal... so that's also a bug. 6. Items that replace moves like that is definitely an option. 7. Corrupted cave with no PC was an oversight. 8. When you fight Giratina, Melia fights Geara, but loses three of her Pokemon, but since this is such a big issue with a lot of people- I guess I could just have her use all her Pokemon. It's not that big of a deal (Even though I really didn't think that fight was that hard with some planning) 9. Crawli's gym battle will be different in v7.
  21. Back to work~

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Azeria


      this place is addictive :v

    3. Jan


      That, and I also have a duty to fulfill :x.

    4. Abyssreaper99


      *inserts the Snow White reference*

  22. I personally think this is a great idea, and It was originally planned for version 6, but it caused too many errors and I wasn't going to risk it. Version 7 is a definite possibility.
  23. Going to be taking a break from the forums for a little while...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Meruem


      we'll handle things while you're gone :]

      *preparing ritual to sacrifice zumi to angie*

    3. Shing


      Bye Jan, have fine.

    4. Azeria


      Good luck~

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