I am so salty right now words cannot explain the salt. I don't have time to upload 6.2, so I added a patch to the main download page.
The game crashed because the "P" in "pbBridgeOn" was capitalized. SDFHFGJKHGSGFDKJGDH
So, I'm actually going on vacation again for a few days. Will be back on Tuesday. You all have my permission to sacrifice Zumi by fire if you find another game breaking error.
Nah, that's correct. I just have a feeling something went wrong with your game because a lot of things aren't appearing (Like the item in the Xen lab for example.) Some of the forms might not have shown up here either. Anyways, here's your save!
Are you sure you found all of them? I just tried and it worked. Btw when you made a new game did you delete/rename your old save first or did you just hit new game?
If you black out (lose a battle) he'll go away.
Just rename the files to "game"