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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Jan

  1. Satoru Iwata, the president of Nintendo has passed away. RIP. You will be remembered..

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jan


      We forgive you.

    3. Meruem


      i actually had to google...

  2. Possible new Zygarde form? God save the queen.

    1. zimvader42


      Some people say it might (might) just be kyurem.

      If it is a new Zyg tho, I'd be glad, as I want this guy to get a lot more love.

    2. Zumi


      im like 100% convinced it's zygarde tbh. i mean, most of the major legendaries in each gen got a movie, it'd make sense if zygarde would get one too, seeing that he completes the trio from kalos. new form hype tho

  3. I'm alive.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Azeria


      Fuck he's alive again.....commence operation rekill...done right this time

    3. Fumble



      Jan gimmeh link now

    4. devilstreet


      I wonder if you would add an iv checker in version 6?

  4. Should've done this sooner, but I'm going to have to de-confirm the mega hunt. That WAS going to be in version 6, but now that v6 has been split, the part where the mega hunt would begin has been pushed to 7.
  5. Yeah, It's definitely coming out this month. It'll be #worth. Trust. I've been really busy so I've been MIA for a few days, but production is back on track.
  6. woahhhh we're half wayyy thereeeeeeee. Also I promised a field effect. lol whoops. #soon
  7. V6 Will definitely be out next month. It's a game changer.
  8. Plan A: Destroy Ame by water has failed. Moving on to Plan B.
  9. All except the first has been fixed for v6.
  10. Finally got all my irl issues resolved so I am now 70% less busy. yayyyy.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Peepeepoopoo


      Which means you can spend even more time on Rejuvenation and we'll get V6 tomorrow right? Right? :^)

    3. Zumi


      rejuvenation has now been delayed by 3 months!!!!!!1!!!!!one!!!

  11. For my sanity, and the sanity of others I hope not...
  12. Contrary to popular belief. I don't axe for my sick pleasures. I take things into consideration: 1.Is it overused? 2.Is it too powerful? 3.Is there a better spot for it? 4.What can I replace it with that would be viable? and at this point, I can move stuff around rather than axe, so y'all need to calm down rn or the Eevee gets it.
  13. Yay progress. Expect a new Field Effect reveal soon.
  14. If someone asks for ditto one more time...
  15. 420 rep blaze it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jan


      I said it on purpose :]

    3. Jan


      gimme dat rep

    4. Felicity


      when I said 320 i think I jumped 20 rep :P

  16. I've been really busy lately and can't start the poll myself. If anyone else would like to, go right ahead.
  17. That Nintendo direct was horrible.

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