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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Jan

  1. If you guys really want the streak back I can put it back. It's not a big deal. Also no longer answering questions about Pokemon locations in v6. You'll just have to wait.
  2. Out with the old and in with the new. (Old on the left, New on the right)
  3. If MEGA takes down Rejuv one more time there are going to be MEGA throw downs.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zumi


      Jan has mega evolved into JANMEGA.

      ...i'm sorry, that was awful

    3. Omega_Ra1der


      Jan mega evolved to Mike (Mass destruction lryics)

    4. foovy10


      *Mega Jan Used Seismic Toss!*

  4. I'm assuming he means generated Pokemon using the editor. I'm not exactly for this, but if you're going to do it I suppose I can't really stop you.
  5. Jan


    Convinced that you all are trying to kill me. Is this because of Rotom?! Is it?!
  6. Whichever I feel like doing, really.
  7. Yeah, but I'm not saying what it is.
  8. "Bran" I wanna say that's a Game of Throne ref. For reasons. Also, Slutbunny for pres.
  9. Nope. Pretty easy to get, actually.
  10. I've been binge watching Game of Thrones and just saw the Red Wedding. I fucking hate my life right now.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AuthorReborn


      did you really

    3. Avatar of Grima
    4. Sutoratosu


      Ragnar does not lie, friends. Shit gets very, VERY dark as time draws on... I mean, just so dark that you gotta go "DAYUM!" at certain points... like I did after watching the end of the latest episode...


  11. Thank you very much. This was very much appreciated! Send me your save and I'll fix it right away.
  12. Originally, no. It was going to appear after the 8th badge, but since those plans are paused t'ill further notice. It's not supposed to be, but I'll keep my promise and add it in somewhere. I won't make it easy to get, though. lol.
  13. Just one of many things to come with Version 6.
  14. I'm not ignoring, I promise. Unlike Reborn, I don't have other people who are able to fix saves. It's only myself, and I get backed up and have other priorities.
  15. Jan

    Version 5-5

    I thought I updated this... Oh well, it's updated.
  16. The owner is in the Pokemon Center, on the far left.
  17. No, I meant the piece of land the bridge they made led to.
  18. The "???" was access to a part of the jungle you couldn't get to.
  19. I'm closing this topic.
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