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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Jan

  1. Good luck! Picking who is the strongest/your team member at Amethyst Cave does not effect the ending. So you should be good with those.
  2. WHy do I keep waking up at 7 am. This ain't cool.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Azeria


      It's a sign..

    3. Lord Chespin

      Lord Chespin

      I have to get up at roughly 6:00 each morning for school. Things could always be worse.

    4. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Your ability is Early Bird.

  3. This sounds incredibly reasonable. Although using her specifically would be a problem for numerous reasons. Perhaps I could make her sister teach you one move. (She's a move tutor in training so she's not that good) But then after that you have to wait about a week/few days for her to try again. This would of course be up until you unlock the true move tutor. Does this sound fair? How do you guys feel about this idea? After thinking about it, I do agree that after the 7th badge.... well it's quite a bit late to get the move tutor. So...
  4. Go into your audio folder then the ME folder and delete Pokemon Healing and it should be okay. If you crash when you catch a Pokemon, delete Jingle - TMHM. It should work fine after that.
  5. You have to clear out your managements via "edit my profile" on your profile. I think you might've sent the wrong save or something. In this save you're in the North railnet. Here you go!
  6. I'll look into this. You sure? I just checked and "Mysterious fountain" gave the water stone and "Chase him" gives a leaf stone.
  7. Well, may I remind you that the champion of Kanto was 10, so age doesn't have too much of a factor.
  8. My first mistake was underestimating grass types.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Felicity


      Your lack of wit disappoints me. You failed to expand upon my sentence and simply decided to juxtapose my statement. Disappoint.

    3. Azeria


      People are dissapointed with me all the time so I don't really care lol.

    4. KingRyan


      i actually love using a few grass types.

  9. This is correct. It'll learn it at lv 31. Bulk TM is the reward for defeating Keta. (As of V5)
  10. a- a lot..... trying out something new.
  11. I can say that you won't be able to weild mega evolution for a long time, but starting from v6, you'll be able to start the mega stone hunt.
  12. That's actually an oversight... I hadn't thought of that possibility. Will fix for v6.
  13. You probably skipped the event with Venam at her house.
  14. I'm sorry you had trouble with Venam v.v. She's a rowdy one. But woo for progress? I believe in you c:
  15. Jan

    True Ending?

    Yes, there will be. Although the first major story split starts with Kriess. Whether you save him or not will help/hurt your chance of retrieving the true ending. There will be yet another story split in v6.
  16. Disregarding the typo in her explanation. It really isn't that bad. Even if you're confused, you could just trial and error it. There's literally only 2 ways you can go each time. 50/50.
  17. You have to go to your profile, click on "Edit my profile" then go to manage attachments. Delete stuff until you have enough space to send it. Save file sent. Hm... this sounds like a corrupt save. This usually happens when weaker computers try to play the game. Send it anyways and I'll see what I can do? Save file sent! Save file Sent!
  18. jfc you people need to chill.
  19. It acts as a hazard, so it should. If not, it will be in Version 6.
  20. I'm pushing the release back 1 month each time someone made fun of me : ((((((
  21. As one door closes, another one opens. So, I know I said late June would be when Version 6 would come out, but now I'm not so sure. I looked through my notes and realized that is probably going to be one of the biggest updates yet. So basically, the ETA on Version 6 is "???" right now. However, I don't want to leave anyone in the dust with what's going on. So basically, This explanation of what these categories mean are arguably the same in this case. The only difference being "Map remodeling" which is pretty much self explanatory. Prior updates (100%) #################### | Field Updates (100%) #################### | Event Updates (100%) #################### | Graphic Updates (100%) #################### | Map Remodeling (100%) #################### | Misc Updates (100%) #################### | Scripting Updates (100%) New content (100%) #################### | Mapping (100%) #################### | New Field Effects (100%) #################### | Eventing (100%) #################### | Sidequests (100%) #################### | Story (100%) #################### | Essentials Update (100%) Total Completion: #################### | (100%) [Version 6 completed] Alpha Test #################### | (100%) Beta Test #################### |(100%) Do not be alarmed/fooled by these two categories. These two should only take a few days. Once Alpha testing is completed, Beta will follow. Then- well you know the rest Thank you guys for sticking with me and I hope you guys enjoy version 6!
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