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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Jan

  1. It's not in the grass, it's an event that appears in the morning on the locations listed above. I'll update the list to make it more specific, though.
  2. I personally don't believe we'll be able to use Rock Climb either. I think the HM fits Hardy's badge more. Although, Charlotte did have dive so that's not a concrete theory. Like you and Jeri mentioned, that Axew egg went through "changes" so it's probably not an Axew anymore. Axew will probably be available through other means.
  3. This isn't really much of an error as it is a consequence for switching between versions, which has been stated to be done at your discretion. I don't really recommend switching between versions because variables in the game can change, and this right here is a prime example of why you shouldn't. Nevertheless, I'll fix your save for you if you post it in the save file troubleshooting thread.
  4. Mirror Mirror on the wall, who's the evilest of them all? Ame.. Ame is. This field is just.....
  5. Well, since he used a Gigalith, it probably isn't too much of a secret. He's a rock type leader. Also his name is based off Adamite. Adam-ite.
  6. I feel like I just had a religious experience, my life makes so much more sense now.
  7. Although not a hugeeee update (Structure wise), an old place got a new look.
  9. Off topic but..... :0 your name is ice cream sand witch?! Does this mean you can brew me a potion that gives me the ability to make ice cream sandwiches?!!?>!!?! We need to be friends, real talk.
  10. ...I think you're confusing Akora forest for Corta forest.
  11. why

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      This is how rupees are supposed to be spent. Am proud.

    3. Vinny
    4. Shing


      Lol Pineapple, and true.

  12. Whoa, this is a weird one. Do you do anything in particular for this to happen? Does it just happen randomly?
  13. The machine itself is fine, but if you glitched the machine before it'll still be glitched apparently. Working on a solution atm.
  14. Yeah this is known. You can change it into the hidden ability if you have a capsule. Which there are a lot of so it isn't tooooo bad. I still want to fix this in the future, though.
  15. Flame Burst can also melt the field.
  16. So this is a sequence break error, when I remade Amethyst Cave, I forgot to cut off the escape rope/dig point in Amethyst Grotto. So most likely you escaped the cave and didn't finish the business you have to do there. So go back and an event should start.
  17. Zumidesu is now Creme Brulee.

  18. It was an oversight, but it's true. I'm planning on making a guide thread so that it's always up to date.
  19. Slight update. I now have the PBS files up for grabs on the main page. So if you want that kind of thing, go ahead and get it.
  20. Jan

    TM 70?

    I'm not that heartless :c. What they said ^
  21. Er, I should've elaborated. Talk to her again and then try to accept another quest. Is that still doing nothing? Are you on v 5.5 or?
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