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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Jan

  1. It's not any fault of your own, It was mine. It's fixed for v5.
  2. Aiming for Friday, but it can be delayed if unexpected stuff happens.
  3. Fennekin event is broken in Version 4 and has been fixed for 5.
  4. That would be so much spriting. I would cry. See? I'm already crying just thinking about it. (Maybe in the future, idk)
  5. Fennekin is literally my least favorite starter due to all the complaints about it. #FennekinHate
  6. Next Friday. Shit goes down.
  7. Will do. Edit: Your save is now fixed! I won't be removing the hunt, but I'll be making it shorter, and have a bigger ending to it. However, if you did most of the hunt, you won't have to redo it.
  8. That's... probably a computer problem. There aren't many events in that room, and this is actually the first report of lag in that room.
  9. I hate humidity.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shamitako


      ...I read that as humanity, whoops

    3. Jan


      Them too! Down with humanity!

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Equally as bad, all good.

  10. Currently playing through Life is Strange. Actually planning on uploading it soon as well.
  11. Can confirm that both have been included in v 5 so the players can swap out Pokemon + Grind if they have to. I'm thinking about releasing v5 in about 2 weeks.
  12. Version 5 is taking a while, but we're almost there. In the meantime, take a gander at this beauty. (Warning potential spoilers for Version 4)
  13. Studies show that intense mode increases the # of car crashes, vomiting, diarrhea, sleep paralysis, and bad grades. Caution is advised. (It rounds up the levels of opponent trainers by 1-3)
  14. Hi I'm daisy.

    1. BBD


      What?I though your name is Jan the whole time.

    2. Eclipse Blaze

      Eclipse Blaze

      A guy named Daisy, I don't wanna judge you, but I'm gonna do it anyway. I can't help it. That like a guy named Sally, Courtney, Tina, Mackenzie,Sarah, or something along those lines.

  15. You'd be happy to know that most of these errors are fixed. Especially the wild encounter code..... thank god. Those critical hits was just the rng not liking you, I haven't raised/lowered the critical hit ratio. Also, you don't need to defeat the 4th leader for Mareep, you just need to step foot into Goldenleaf Town. Thanks for the feedback!
  16. Am I doing this right

    1. Kurotsune


      Good enough.

    2. ArmoredGuardian



      7.5/10 Too much Okami

  17. If I recall, it's just as Chubb said. The rate should be 1%.
  18. Spring break.... I AM FREE.....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Simon
    3. Maelstrom


      You don't even know...

    4. Azeria


      I've been free for a week now and have another 2 weeks free :]]]

  19. Destroy Ame.

    1. Azeria




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