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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Jan

  1. No worries! I'm happy you got past her!
  2. The increase of Pokemon Reborn fanart I see on Tumblr makes me happy.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lost Lore

      Lost Lore

      All this fanart is fantastic, yes~ Just goes to show that Reborn is becoming more well-known, which is always nice to see.

    3. Shamitako


      *Likes it smaller* *Also likes double entendres*

    4. Shing


      Every fanart made me get oh yeah~

  3. This is actually a property of the field. Also I have a Pokemon Breeder on the right side of town that you can use to grind money on!
  4. Check your messages. I sent you a fix. Breaks are always good. Remember that you probably won't win a lot of fights the first time around. Think about how she fights and get around that.
  5. Quick question, are you on the newest version? The newest version is Version 3
  6. That's fine! I'll help you out with that. I'm assuming you're using a PC so go into the start menu and type in "Saved Games" and open the folder. There should be a Pokemon Rejuvenation folder in there with your save.
  7. Yeah, nerfing Narcissa is the first thing I did. She's still tough but not nearly as tough.
  8. K I can work with this. I recommend finding a Woobat which is available in the sewers. Woobat isn't much, but it does wonders for this specific fight. All mud type attacks should also deal more damage as well. I also think you should get a "sandbag" Pokemon. That way you can take a turn to heal or do whatever you wish without wasting a valuable member.
  9. What's your current team?
  10. Are you on the latest release? If so, and he's still there, please post your save file and I'll definitely fix it for you.
  11. He's a guy living inside a house in the Aventurine woods.
  12. Your save file is safe, no worries! Worst case scenario you have to redownload it.
  13. You probably chose the route that didn't include this battle, then. I didn't either :[
  14. I actually think that's the PC storage.
  15. It is indeed the instant teleporting tauros. It's a little difficult to interact with it, but once you do you can teleport to the other side of the route.
  16. I think it's from a story branch in version 14.
  17. That and AI is REALLY hard to code in general.
  18. Hahaha oh my god. This is the best Idea I've ever heard.
  19. I like these! However, I think Sawk's belt is a littleeee too dull. Try bringing up the brightness just a tad?
  20. Yeah apparently none of my changes stuck....... which sucks......
  21. Hello, and welcome to Reborn! We're pretty friendly here. So don't be afraid to ask questions/converse!
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