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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Jan

  1. Yeah, it's been reported and fixed for the next release. Send me your save file and I'll have everything fixed for you. To find your save file, go to your saved games folder and it should be under the folder "Rejuvenation"
  2. Hello! I guess saying welcome isn't appropriate since you've been here longer than I have, but.... welcome! lol.
  3. Yeah it probably is. Audio/BGM/Wild - Regular is the beast that causes hell.
  4. The only time I've heard of this happening is on mac based computers. If this is the case, you'll want to delete the wild encounter music, or replace it with another song that won't, you know, crash the game?
  5. Yeah, RPG maker can be pretty daunting at first. You just have to be patient with it is all. - Anyways as a side note, sorry that I've been neglecting this thread, yet again. I've been busy with irl stuff as of late so I don't get to mod this as much as I want to. Because of this I created a development blog that I'll be using to post updates on the game. Just posted something as a matter of fact. Version 3 is coming soooooooooon.
  6. If that Smogon leak is real I'm going to cry blood tears.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. AuthorReborn


      Ah okay, I did not see that Jelly. Thanks for pointing that out. I simply assumed it was some "hacker" "discovering" new abilities.

    3. ShatteredSkys


      Iron Barbs Jolteon....

      Sounds legit.

    4. Maelstrom


      Can I have drought torkoal anyways?

  7. Yeah, agreed. Thankfully that doesn't happen too often.
  8. Yeah, I mean it's an RPG. You know what you're getting into. They're super text heavy. If you miss something because you decided to spam the A button, that's no one's fault other than you. Plus, if you just check the description of common candy, it's very clear what their purpose is for.
  9. Whoa. That's pretty surreal. Once I had a dream that there was a fire next door to me. Three days later, that same apartment caught fire. I couldn't sleep for days in fear of dreaming something like that again. It was not a fun experience. lol.
  10. c̶r̶i̶e̶s̶ ̶b̶c̶ ̶s̶t̶i̶l̶l̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶v̶1̶3̶ No but really, this is great news. Hopefully it won't be too buggy!
  11. His IV's are actually completely identical. When he got to Seventh street, there was a point where he checked all of his Pokemon's IVs. So that helped a lot. Although EVs were trickier, I don't think I got those 100% correct, but they should be close? Either way, I loved that lp so I had no problem redoing it, lol.
  12. Welcome! I agree. Spiders are not welcome. They scare me...
  13. Finalllly have some free time after working like a dog for a few weeks.

    1. Dr. Zexal

      Dr. Zexal

      Lucky you i only finish up next week friday

    2. Dhanush D Bhatt

      Dhanush D Bhatt

      Watch a lot of anime!!!

  14. Im actually the same way, with the addition of fire. I don't like the mineral types much at all.
  15. You can't get Gothita until you reach Beryl now, I think.
  16. A cake filled with cocaine and weed.
  17. There's a Nintendo Direct tomorrow. I kinda hope we dont get a new pokemon game... the last two were eh.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jan


      Exactly, it will be about the new 3DS. They're going to show new games I bet, and GF said that they're ready to announce their new project. Which probably wont be a main series title, but still.

    3. Dark Desire

      Dark Desire

      >new 3DS

      >>just bought a 3DS xl

      wtf is this shit

    4. AuthorReborn


      I agree, we need a proper 3ds PMD game. Not what we currently have. I will go out and buy a giant SD card if I need to just to have a PMD game with all 721.

  18. You are NEVER too old for games, and dont let anyone else tell you otherwise. The concept of "being too old" for something is something completely made up by society and holds no grounds for what you truly want to do.
  19. http://www.win-rar.com/start.html?&L=0 Try this (Dont buy it, no one ever does lol) For now it's just here and on Pokecommunity , but I am working on a mini site for it!
  20. You have to extract it using some sort of extracting program. I personally use winrar.
  21. I finally get over being sick, and now I have an ear infection. THANKS. I wanted to be sick over break. Definitely.

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I usually get a double one everytime I get sick. YAY!!!

  22. Oh wow! I never saw this before. It looks interesting. I'll try it out tomor- er.. later today...
  23. Hello! Welcome to Reborn!
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