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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Jan

  1. Weird... I've never had this bug happen to me in the battle before. So this is news to me. But I appreciate you taking the time to play it and notify me on some errors. Do you remember what happened right before you crashed?
  2. Pokémon Rejuvenation Version 1 is now out! When u get a chance tell me what u think :3

    1. NarutoK



      Thank you for this. I mean it :)

  3. This is very exciting news, and I can't wait for more in the future!
  4. This area looks amazing, Ame! Nice job as always
  5. While I am no expert at spriting, Amethyst's videos have helped me GREATLY. If she never made those videos I probably wouldn't have gotten to where I am now. Don't worry about having no skill in paint! Mostly because I don't use paint myself, haha. I use a program called graphicsgale. It is a free to use program that is built solely to sprite. It's literally amazing. I cannot stress that enough. If you want to make a hack, do it ! I went in making this hack knowing nothing of RPG maker or Pokemon Essentials. The more you use it, the more it becomes second nature! You can do anything if you put in some time and dedication! Also to those confused about there being no download link, it's because it's not finished yet. (However I am planning on releasing it this week!)
  6. Summer is almost over nooooooooooooooooooooooo.

  7. Congrats on the shiny! I love the shiny Ekans line :3
  8. For some reason I just love using Florges. So handy c:
  9. Welcome to Reborn! We don't bite
  10. I devour anything that's around, basically. : D.
  11. The lava is sudden because it's man-made. So it's not supposed to have a natural formation. But I'll see what I can do about the red road! Thanks for the feedback!
  12. Xylophone Edit: I was on the wrong page gdi
  13. Welcome! and for future references, the save file data is found in a folder called SavedGames if you're using a windows operating system!
  14. So with the confirmation of secret bases, I've learned- just like in the original games, that we have the ability to battle people in our secret bases. I could see this be used to create main game leagues, and stuff. Personally I'm super happy that they're back! They're lookin pretty snazzy Oh yeah, and now there's a new character who is an expert on secret bases. He's known for having a flygon. Inb4 Mega?
  15. Ohhh boy. If I had to pick one Pokemon that I just don't like... it has to be Keldeo. Stupid water horse : (. Also i hated the movie with it- so that didn't help at all.
  16. Maybe there is a connection? : )?
  17. Contact Information: Youtube Email -Download Links- Version 8.1 (7/25/2016) Links: Updated 6:33 est 7/25/16. V8.1 -Introduction- Hello, my name is Jan! As you may have guessed, I am the creator of Pokemon Rejuvenation. Pokemon Rejuvenation was inspired by the popular fan game Pokemon Reborn. When I first played Reborn, I was blown away by the quality, the story, and the characters. Something Game Freak has only barely been able to pull off. (In their main franchises, anyway). So I am here to bring something similar. Something similar, but unique in its own way. That's what Pokemon Rejuvenation is about. -Plot- The Aevium Region. A place that has seen better days. Once an intact region brimming with life, now torn into four pieces by an unknown force. This region needs help, and there's no one to turn to. No one, except you. Can you travel through the Aevium Region and collect all 18 badges? Can you discover the grim truth behind the region's destruction? Can you protect you and your friends against the criminal organization Team Xen? Who knows? You just might be able to. There's only one way to find out. -Features-. Difficulty Modes Help Centers -All of the starters will be available to catch. -All 721 Pokémon will be able to be caught. Customized Over-world Characters IV/EV Checker -Custom TMs -Custom Forms -Customized Shiny Pokémon -Increased Shiny rate (700/8192). -18 Gyms.(Four in Current release.) -Quick Save. -Tons of custom characters, and sprites. -Amazing music by GlitchxCity and other composers! Screenshots -Credits- Development Blog
  18. There is no download link yet(there will be one very soon), but thanks for all of your welcomes!
  19. Hello everyone, my name is Superjanbro, but you may call me Jan. I made this account about a month ago or so, but I never got the chance to do anything with it So I decided that I'd make this introductory post! (I hope this doesn't anger anyone, if it does, then I'm sorry!) But I guess I should give some information about myself, at least generally. I am a 17 year old, male living in one of the most popular cities in America~ Newww York! (Although if you know me personally, then you'd know that I despise it) I am currently the head developer of the Pokémon Fan-game Pokémon Rejuvenation (Which is, btw, a homage to Pokémon Reborn) The game blew me away so much that I was *inspired* to create my own, and it's going quite well! (The pictures on that post are incredibly outdated, and are in the process of updating them soon!) But that's all i guess I can give about myself. Thank you guys for reading!
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