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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Caz

  1. I try to keep the memes on the down low but unfortunately I find some to be amusing when I know others do not. I have cut out quite a few since the original release, though.
  2. I think it looks quite fitting. It's certainly unique and it's pulled off well.
  3. When the Sun mascot is weak to fire lmao

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Samalet


      when the og dragon is weak to dragon lol

    3. Sutoratosu


      Actually, now that you guys mention it, aside from that last one, there does seem to be a legit theme going on here...

    4. Jmanultrax1


      sun mascot literally says it resembles the sun, and its weak to fire. were they thinking this through?

  4. Update on happenings of Desolation So as many of you may remember from the 3.0 release, I mentioned that I would have very little time to work on the game. That has remained true - even now. I'm kept busy, working every day after school and because it's such an important year for me I spend the remainder of the time having to study (asides from procrastinating on the forums every now and then). I've made very little progress recently and Episode 4 doesn't seem to be approaching the horizon anytime soon. I considered putting the game on hiatus until I had time to work on it, but I also realized that in the background I was still working on other bits and pieces - characters, systems and some other stuff like Mega Evolutions and I felt that I wanted to share this stuff with you guys as it came out. Desolation is important to me and its development will never end until I reach my end goal - but I can't promise consistent release windows and fast development times. Those who have stayed with the project from its conceiving know that the dev times have been really long and it will continue to be that way, but I hope that it continues to be worth it for you guys. Thanks for the continued support!
  5. Whoops. I must have stuffed up because I was in class when I wrote that. Helioptile replaced Snorlax.
  6. I really like the angelic design (although it looks more like a Phoenix to me) of M-Togekiss. Also you gave it Magic Guard you savage.
  7. Snorlax was changed to Wigglytuff in 3.0.2.
  8. I don't know how I didn't notice this before. This is a neat little program you've chucked together here and it'll be super helpful for a lot of people. Kudos to you, man.
  9. Currently feeling like a capsicum.

    1. Ironbound


      It's healthy!

    2. mde2001


      That's a very specific thing to feel like.

  10. I may make a subtopic for the quests soon. Also, I know I added in a heatrock but for the life of me I can't remember where. I'll go through shortly. The crystal puzzle with Tristan is not broken - you must have missed a crystal at one point. Keep searching fren [: EDIT: @Viri: Didn't see your post, sorry. I first noticed PBJ Mega far after I had begun the poll. The polls are a continuous system and so you'll see PBJ in the next poll.
  11. Top notch job. You only missed the sidequest in Blackview City where you save a lady's Treecko. Even I forgot some of those ;-;
  12. You were correct in your final statement.
  13. You know that shitty excuse of "my dog ate my homework." Alright. So what happens when your dog ACTUALLY EATS YOUR HOMEWORK.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. dragoniteborntacoz


      This happened to my sister once

      Our dog only ate part of it so she was able to bring in what was left to show she actually did it

    3. Shing


      Bad doggo

  14. Although Tristan is genuinely kind and only pretends to be a ninja in an act of self fulfillment, much like that of becoming a Gym Leader. I can see where the similarities come from but they're irrelevant when you consider Tristans purpose in the story - I use his character as a tool, unfortunately.
  15. Competing in the Regional Cross Country tomorrow. If I die then I want my dog to continue the fangame as my legacy.

  16. And yet they gave Blaziken and half the legendaries mega's lolololol. No I totally see where you're coming from. I'll try to incorporate this into the next poll. Who says Swagsire needs to win a poll to make it in. I dunno why I came off as so grumpy, sorry. I must be easily triggered by Naruto. Perhaps I just remember when it was a good show. Dreams are super interesting to me, that's why I wanted to explore it as a topic (my perception of it at least) in Desolation.
  17. I've been considering Flygon simply for the fans, but personally I think Mega Flygon has been done to hell and back. We'll see.
  18. Sneaky rascal. I planned on respriting them along with a couple trainer classes tonight.They do look nice though. I like the addition of the scarves. @Masquerain: Everyone who knows me knows how I feel about Naruto. The dream idealology takes no inspiration from Naruto and takes much more from Inception. I can't stand Naruto.
  19. No I'm aware of it, I'm just exceptionally lazy at updating the known bugs list.
  20. A girl also gives you a Leaf Stone on the western end of Blackview City. There is currently no Sun Stone.
  21. It's likely that they don't want to admit your improvement as they are jealous of it. Their opinion is very obviously flawed and is backed up with basically nothing and so you don't even have to acknowledge it. Keep doing what your doing, just ignore the dickheads who would say otherwise.
  22. You can certainly dream, especially considering that Episode 4 is a long, long way away. I don't really get much spare time.
  23. Part of me wants Quagsire to win this poll. After a lot of testing, the current Mega Mightyena doesn't seem particularly overpowered - no more than existing mega evolutions, so for now I will withhold balancing. Voting will close after a week or so.
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