Some stuff I need to address
Thanks to all those who applied to be a beta tester. I'm working my hardest to get all the features put into the game so I can get the test started. I'll message testers with the beta when it's ready.
Also there's something I need to address. There's quite a lot of positive and thoughtful feedback that goes through this thread and I generally don't address it. This is to minimize the clutter on my thread until I feel like making sub threads. Those of you who leave kind words about the game, thank you, you're the real MVP's, it's your words that inspire me to work harder on Desolation. Those of you who leave constructive feedback, without you I wouldn't have improved the game this much. Soppy time is over, back to work.
Also, something I have been asked quite regularly, no Desolation does not have a Dev Team. I work on Desolation alone. Occasionally I get some help with some sprites whenever better spriters than myself offer it. Asides from this, I am the lone developer of Desolation and it will always be this way.