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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Caz

  1. All ye questions will be answered next Episode, including why she has creepy eyes. At least for now I can confirm that Emily does NOT have an Emolga.
  2. Announcement! Let's get roiiiiiiighhhhtttt into the news! Fight me keemstar. Introducing the final new character of Episode 3, the lovely but sarcastic and somewhat narcissistic, Emily! Name: Emily Occupation: Gym Leader Type Preference: Electric Hometown: Blackview City Emily is the famed Gym Leader of Blackview City. She's looked up to as the city's icon, a celebrity. Emily acts very vibrant and lovable, but hides her actually dark and self absorbed personality underneath, which we'll see in the next Episode. Emily hates Connor and is extremely jealous of Rosetta as she believes Rosetta 'stole' her potential fame as Ayrith's Idol. She refuses to believe the problem is really in her toxic character. But hey, people can change, right? Right?! Classic Caz posting while everyone is asleep.
  3. Yes. The mountain could use some tidying with it's layer one tiles but in terms of being natural the right hand side is looking good! Squares are your enemy in mapping : 3
  4. Did you do the final rangers quests?Besides that, Ive changed the way most credit quests work - with your views I think the change will be for the better, at least for you. Especially with the addition of the treasure isle side quests.
  5. I've aimed to start showing some updates via video for a while but I've been working too hard on the actual game lately to get started. I thought I'd start today showing a little preview of Blackview City, enjoy! Thanks for the support and stay tuned frens [:
  6. When you work for six hours straight and forget what outside I

    1. Caz


      Outside is* apparently I forgot how to English too.

  7. Hmm, I'll note this down because it's a really good point and also a unique idea, thanks.
  8. I did this back in Episode 1, but there's so much content I like to add that following the plan is difficult. In the future I'll have to find a way to stick with it.Edit: Happy 420 posts to me, it's an honour to be here and it's great that the memes are still dank.
  9. Better than my save file ._. We'll see how the level cap works out, I'd rather not increase the level cap past 100. I'm too old school to make such a big change.
  10. Wow super duper congrats, respect for keeping that same avatar basically the entire time! In all seriousness though you make a great difference to the forums, keep on sharing those positive vibes.
  11. Little announcement that's actually a big deal. Episode 3 is way too long for one gym. If I only had one gym in the next episode then you'd be at about level 50 which at gym badge three, is really stretching the limit. As a result, I've shuffled some things around so now there will be two gyms in Episode 3, their caps being 45 and 50. Thanks for the support guys ○7
  12. Yeah. She should be. I'll look into it. When I look back on Episode 1 it was such an imperfect episode by my new standards. I think I might remake it's content in Episode 4.
  13. I don't anything that'd I'd like to reveal just yet, but I thought I'd update the status bar to give you a better idea of how close Episode 3 is to release. Prior updates (97%) #################### | Field Updates (100%) #################### | Event Updates (100%) #################### | Graphic Updates (90%) #################### | Map Remodeling (100%) #################### | Misc Updates (90%) #################### | Scripting Updates (100%) New content (84%) #################### | Mapping (100%) #################### | New Field Effects (90%) #################### | Eventing (85%) #################### | Sidequests (70%) #################### | Story (75%) Total Completion: #################### | (91%)
  14. Because Pokemon shown me the life of Helix. When I was a kid I was fascinated by Lord Helix. Lord Helix became my hero. I always wanted to be like Helix and I always pushed myself in every scenario so that I could one day be acknowledged by Helix. Even to this day I find myself waking up, staring at the ceiling, seeing only Helix. Pokemon taught me to embrace my religion, the worship of Lord Helix.
  15. Youtube is really becoming a toxic place, especially with the Leafy vs H3h3 drama that's happening

    1. dead account

      dead account

      Youtube is generally a toxic community, especially in the biggest channels. That's why you should avoid the comments sections of most large channels like the plague.

    2. Shing


      Is that even new?

  16. DAMMIT! I've been trying to mask the plot twist of the story for so long. Gonna have to sack this project now. Shucks.@pokezack, thanks! It's words like these that keep me developing! @Shing, that's been answered a heap of times, try search through the cluttered thread a little bit, sorry!
  17. You can't just ask me my plan with Baron is, that's like asking me to send you the entire future plot. Wait and see young grasshopper!That being said, thus far:
  18. Don't know if you need any more window compliments, but those stained glass windows are purrrty ~ Also the new Verdant Arte is great. Ominous switch back to Vivian at the end, Rip Krista.
  19. When I was coming up with Shiv's new design I mayyyy have been watch Durarara. Whoops. In my eyes at least Shiv and Izaya have a very similar personality, which was interesting for me because I had created Shiv as a character long before I seen Durarara. I also want to thank you all for 100 votes on the poll! The information I get from that is a really good indication of how I should tell the story I want to tell to get the best response.
  20. Girlfriends birthday, asks for something poetic. I text, "I'm not gonna Raichu a love song." I'm sorry for my crimes.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Spineblade
    3. Exalted


      the question is are you single as of that text

    4. Caz


      One more Pokepun and I will be

  21. I'm quite certain all the error causing music has been removed. But in case, delete all .mid files in the audio folder.
  22. Currently it increases the cap tp 40. That glitch is patched for Episode 3 luckily, but PM me your save and I'll fix it right away!I hope you enjoy the game \o/
  23. I had a dream that my dog ate a pineapple and gained the ability to fly. Do I have health issues?

    1. Shing


      It's just more of a weird dream. We all had them once. Except me lol.

    2. Sutoratosu


      No. You have just been watching too much One Peice.

  24. Oh this is amusing, there's certainly more than a thing or two.
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