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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Caz

  1. Woweee we have a winner! You win uhh... cookies? I feel exactly the same. Funny that. Were you expecting something else? Well I got bored one day and made up a story in my head. Thats about it :v It's closely followed by our Lord and saviour Nosepass.
  2. Oh Caz, your accounts been here for like two year you silly munchkin. Silence peasant. It's true. I've been a member here for a long time but only started really being a member about half a year ago. OH WOW YOU'VE HAD HALF A YEAR TO INTRODUCE YOURSELF AND YOU DIDN'T WHAT A TEAM PLAYER! Yeah I know shh. I'm Caz. You know I made that fangame no one knows about.. called uh... I think I forgot. I came here the same way as 90% of the population here: Step 1: Watched shofu. Step 2: Saw him suck at this gloomy ass fangame. Step 3: Got the gloomy ass fangame. Step 4: Realized it was now my life. Step 5: Profit. I love music, anime and Pokemon, like everyone here. I've already left my sanity at the door and I know not to steal the cookies and/or cake. I also pride myself being one of the only New Zealanders on the forums. RIP. What I really wanted to talk about in this "introduction" is the community here. You guys rock. In every forum ever there's always the judgy kids, the dicks etc. But here, everyone is like one messed up insane family of intelligent people. I fit right in. So I suppose I owe you guys a big thanks for making me feel welcome here. I've made heaps of friends on the Reborn community and it's really something awesome. Thanks Ame for the free friends. Inb4 the edgy we've heard this a million times caz shhhh. Feel free to ask me anything [:
  3. Caz


    Banned for not being the real Kaneki, imposter.
  4. I have an addiction guys, how do I stop changing my avatar. Help before the addiction overcomes me.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Felicity
    3. AeroWraith


      Give up, I already did

    4. Cobalt996


      You can still help stop it from happening to others, but for you, it is too late.

  5. That's okay I'm cool with that. It's simply a scene I very much wanted users to see before the Episode ended, but if I allowed them to save afterwards they wouldn't be able to go back and finish content like the Jinx and Rangers Guild.
  6. Indeed, it's unfortunate but it's better that than me having asked the question as soon as the Episode released, otherwise some players might have taken what the poll had decided over their own decision.
  7. I added another question to the poll. It seems very vague, but only users who have played are meant to understand it. The question is useful for me because it helps me understand what you guys think about the scenario (you know the one) and what you believe in.
  8. How do you deal with procrastination. I always say I'm going to work on homework, then I proceed to spend hours watching the most random stuff on YouTube. Help is needed.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Exalted


      when i really have to study i give my phone laptop and game consoles to my mum brother or sister and tell them do not give this to me before a certain time or date no mater how much i beg

    3. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      I wanted to find a solution for procrastination but... I really don't feel like it right now. Maybe tomorrow.

    4. Synchronoise


      Setting deadlines/making timetables are how I deal with procrastination. It helps force me to finish whatever work I need to

  9. There's a very specific outcome I want to achieve with this project. I'm afraid adding some things might jeopardize that. Thanks for the praise o7
  10. I wish I was as good as Shizzy at random battles ;-;

  11. This is a great guide, but Comic Sans makes me want to cry. Just imagine if the internets global font was Comic Sans kmn
  12. Nosepass should be banned from Ubers, put this monster in the same tier as M-Rayquaza

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Exalted


      well it can be but if you bypass sturdy by even a little bit burn it poison it hail use decrease priority moves or just use a ghost type it aint geting far kid oh before i forget put it to sleep which a certain uber is known for also stealth roock and spikes can be an issue and you definitely dont want to lead with this guy

    3. Chase


      well I mean, you -could- lead with Nosepass to set up.... I'm not sure what else you could do with it. It really depends on what ubers your opponent decides to lead with. Darkrai is an issue.

    4. Exalted


      just gonna add you never want to lead with nosepass specially in ubers as if youre oponent uses lugia and sets up calm mind on it thats it for most teams against that bulky titan

  13. I was thinking about doing this then opted not to for now. I want everyone to have to stick with their decisions, good or terrible (ehehe you're all screwed). If players are super duper desperate then they can just backup previous saves and go from there.
  14. Yes, but not in the next update. Non Binary characters will be added later in Episode 4.
  15. Yes, eventually. The player characters? They are being redesigned at the moment but I'll announce them and their names in a future update. Yes there already is Mega Evolution. I just only plan to have it used late game. In a few episodes time. In the meantime this little lore piece might tide some of you over ~ But once again, shhhh. Keep it a secret.
  16. Drifloon is basically meant to kidnap children or as the Pokedex describes, children disappear around Drifloon. The reality is Drifloon is just a purple balloon with poorly drawn eyes and worse hair than Donald Trump. Murica.
  17. Reading through the last 8 pages of this thread made me realize that Jan is without a doubt a complete sadist who laughs at and draws sustenance out of our suffering. gg
  18. Whoops, I used this as the search bar again.

  19. I'm aware of the issue and am looking into it now. EDIT: Resolved. Was an issue in PBS as well as scripts, therefore it cannot be fixed with a patch. The fix will come in the next full update.
  20. I believe I forgot to mention that decisions take into account a characters personality. Some characters are affected more by decisions than others. For example if you said Ava is a better idol than Scarlett, Ava wouldn't care much but Scarlett would be deeply offended. Whereas if you said Scarlett is a better idol she'd be extremely happy but Ava once again wouldn't care much and would just agree. TlDr: The game makes you take into account who you're actually talking to and how they feel rather than just favoring who you like more. Of course the poll is basically tied. You guys love making my life so easy.
  21. A spoiler for your spoiler for your spoiler:
  22. The answer for the first one is definitely not and the answer to the second one would be definitely yes. The chance of any form of romance being in the game is extremely slim. Romance adds nothing to the ideas I'm trying to convey in the game, and I don't want it to become some cheesy romcom.
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