Apologies for the double post, but it's time for a much needed update on what's going on. Here is a progress report for those interested in Episode 2, I'll get there someday ;-;
Prior updates (93%)
#################### | Field Updates (100%) #################### | Event Updates (100%) #################### | Graphic Updates (100%) #################### | Map Remodeling (80%) #################### | Misc Updates (90%) #################### | Scripting Updates (90%) New content (87%) #################### | Mapping (100%) #################### | New Field Effects (100%) #################### | Eventing (90%) #################### | Sidequests (100%) #################### | Story (45%) Total Completion: #################### | (90%)
Asking me for a release date is like asking me when Naruto will actually finish, so don't get your hopes up ;-;
Next I want to know your guys opinion on something. In most text based RPG's there is a portrait of whoever is speaking in an event, so I've tried to mimic this and want to know what you think. I'd simply like you to tell me which screenshot you think is best and why that is:
1: No portrait, default without any modifications. 2: Portrait added, name display removed. 3: Both Portrait and name are present.