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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Caz

  1. PM me about this with your save please and thank you.
  2. You keep the badge you obtained from Tristan. I've decided on the two types you won't see in Gym's, but you'll have to see for yourself.
  3. Thanks! Yes, there will be a slight decrease in the amount of battles in Episode 4. There are only 16 gyms however. ...
  4. If you think you've really stuffed up the puzzle then simply leave the room and re-enter it again. The puzzle does work but sometimes strange things happen if the wrong order is done. Correct order is: This has not been forgotten, just kept in reserve.
  5. As for your issue - In other news, it might be :] EDIT: ICSW nailed it.
  6. I have plans for a "story after the story" like what you see in Mystery Dungeon but we'll see. Plans aren't definite.
  7. I'll start doing progress reports closer to release. I'm also holding off another mega evolution poll until Episode 4 comes out. EDIT: @Twilightwing: I somehow only just saw your post. Darkrai Perfection is a critical piece in the main story but it will be obtainable after the Champion is defeated.
  8. A very quick update. A user here, Njab, can now be approached for simple save fixes and such. I'd really appreciate that people make the most of this as it will take a fair amount of weight off my shoulders. If anyone else would like to help out in the same way just send me a PM. An understanding of essentials is all you really need. Big thanks to Njab and anyone else who contributes in the future.
  9. Here you are: For all, In future, please PM any fixes you require to me.
  10. Development for Episode 4 is indeed in progress. I won't give a release date or even an approximate one because it's too much weight but yeah, I'm working on it actively now. Also side note, I am aware that there are spriters on this site I could approach for help, but I feel that it would be unfair to force myself upon them especially if they're not really keen to work on the game as sometimes it can be quite awkward saying no. If a spriter is passionate about the project and would like to help with the game then I'm happy to talk in PM's.
  11. If I didn't listen to feedback I'd be a terrible dev. But nah, I'm way ahead of you. One of the moves that Mightyena gains through level up at this moment is shadow claw. As far as I know the obtainable list is up to date. Let me know if I'm wrong though.
  12. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. I've decided that a sub-forum could happen when Episode 4 eventually comes out - with it, an obtainable guide and perhaps a treasure guide.
  13. To be a helper you just need some idea of how to actually access saves and use the dev console. Asides from that, just be someone who is active on the forums.
  14. You probably don't remember me but that's okay. I don't want to ramble about why I've been away for so long so I'll summarize quite simply - personal shiz. Regardless, I'm back in action and I hope that there are still fans who are there for me when I attempt to deliver an at least half decent game. I'm really surprised Desolation didn't die in my absence and I'm certain that should mean that I've got to work on it more to keep delivering. There are a few things I need in the near future from you little pumpkins: - An experienced spriter - Someone experienced at designing tiles (this one is really really important) - People to act as helpers. I'll explain this in a little more detail. It takes a ridiculous amount of time for me to troubleshoot people's issues. I need someone that doesn't mind downloading and fixing someone's saves to be around quite frequently to help out. This person would be given the dev version of the game for easy fixing. As always, I appreciate your ideas and suggestions in PM's. I hope I can continue to deliver - over and out Reborn.
  15. I'm not dead, so now is a time of celebration. I can't stay long, so we'll have to gather around and enjoy our banquet while it lasts - and tonight we'll dine on some juicy news! Kill me. Mega Luxray Announcement Mega Luxray is here and supercharged. Mega Luxray Type: Electric/Fire Stats: HP: 80 -> 80 Attack: 120 -> 160 (+40) Defense: 79 -> 79 Special Attack: 95 -> 120 (+25) Special Defense: 79 -> 79 Speed: 70 -> 105 (+35) Ability: Combustion New move: Hyper Voice Description Upon Mega Evolution, Luxray becomes charged to such a degree that the vast majority of its fur turns white. In fact, Luxray's electrical capability is so high that it struggles to control electricity, and the heat it produces gives it Fire Type capabilities. Mega Luxray is surely a Pokemon that only the fiercest of trainers attempt to tame. Since Luxray's attacks gain a fiery component to them, Luxray has developed the ability 'Combustion' , which changes all Normal Type moves into Fire Type moves and gives them a 30% boost (blah blah Pixilate/Aerialate/Refrigerate stfu). Here are a couple competitive sets: Set 1 Luxray @ Luxrite Ability: Combustion 4 HP / 252 Attack / 252 Spe Jolly / Adamant nature - Quick Attack - Return/Frustration - Wild Charge - Ice Fang Luxray's Combustion Quick Attack gives Luxray Fire priority, which is an obvious counter to Scizor's got Bullet Punch. Return/Frustration exchanges priority for a more powerful STAB attack. Wild Charge is general physical STAB attack that acts in a high-risk, high-reward manner. Electric/Fire typing attracts Ground types like a magnet, hence the use of Ice Fang. Set 2 Luxray @ Luxrite Ability: Combustion 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Timid / Modest Nature - Hyper Voice - Thunderbolt - Volt Switch - Hidden Power [ice] Mega Luxray is clear intimidate bait - but its stats can counteract this. Although not as powerful, Luxray can run a Special set. Luxray's Combustion Hyper Voice provides a boosted Fire STAB, with Thunderbolt and Volt Switch for Electric STABs and a safe escape. HP Ice provides the same coverage for Ground types as Ice Fang does for the physical set. I hope you like this new Mega Evolution - a lot of thought has been put into it. I can't return to the scene indefinitely, but I knew I needed to find a way to share what I've put together and so I visited the local library to post an update here. You're welcome. Stay tuned. Until next time!~
  16. Due to some family issues I'm going to be disappearing from the forums and the internet in general for a while. I hope members here will be able to answer questions in my absence. Considering the current poll results, it seems likely that I'll have a particular announcement to celebrate announce that I'm not dead. Until then, take care.
  17. I'm pretty sure the Protean/HP bug is an essentials thing, but I'll look into it.
  18. Strange. Mac or Windows? I'll try look into the cause.
  19. I'm aware of that bug and it was a pretty amateur mistake on my part. I'm glad you like the Mega's - I've taken the time to make sure that they're done properly rather than having some choppy low-quality fakes. EDIT: @Monochrome: Don't know how I didn't see your question, sorry about that. Redcliff Town uses Final Fantasy XI's Rolanberry Fields theme.
  20. PM me. This bug was addressed a long time back so I'm guessing you are/were on an older version when it occurred.@Eonic: I haven't decided yet. If not the next episode then the one after. @DemICE: Yes - in Episode 5, to be precise.
  21. It really depends on the game. Predefined characters can definitely work in fan games just as well as personal characters can. Legends of the Arena is one fangame that pulls off the personal character quite well.
  22. Actually last time you mentioned it I immediately went to the PBS files to fix it on the account that I'd forget to write it down, which I did.
  23. Yeah it's been addressed but I neglect to update my known bugs list. I'll do that now. Also 117 votes on the poll, does this mean the next Halo will actually be good.
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