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7 Fledgling

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About Cepheus

  • Birthday 07/20/1988

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    Video Games, everything cute/fluffy/cuddly

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  1. Wow... Digimon Adventure tri. 5: Kyuosei is really heavy... damn... and now only 1 part left, that will come in 1/2 - 1 year... god damnit...


  3. Dusk-Form - Crossbreed BETWEEN Midday-form (four-legged posture) and Midnight-Form ("edge-Lord" hair) "Dusk" time of the setting sun - The time BETWEEN day and night. (or when day becomes night) Picture show Dusk-form during sunset battles, Midday form was first revelaled with Day-time pictures, while midnight form was revealed with night pictures. Just evolve it during sunset instead of Day or Night... easy deduction. Case Closed! --- If there would be a Dawn-form (which I actually don't think there will be) it would be the opposite in design, on two legs without the edge-lord hair...
  4. Ok... the current duel is kinda awesome... BUT!! (please correct me if I'm wrong here, and didn't get a memo about rules changing) HOW can there be TWO field spells active?? I mean in the previous episode when Revolver discribed his Fire Prison Field spell as "indestructable by other card effects" - I immediately thought: "oh well, I'll just play my own field spell and destroy yours, since only one field spell can be active at any given time... sooooo... where's the problem??" (except maybe not having a field spell in his deck) and now after Yusaku/Playmaker played his own field spell, Revolver immediately played another and both are active??? what??? I mean, I know that there are field spells that only effect one side of the duel... but it would still get send to the graveyard when another was played... at least that was the case in every damn YGO-Game i've played... Sure they sometimes make their own rules... calculate damage incorrectly or stuff like that for the duels to be cool and close and stuff... but when they are outright cheating... I hate it when the Anime is outright cheating it's own rules! (*cough* targeting the floating ring of Fortress of Darkness with Catapult turtle to make it fall and crush all other Monsters *cough*)
  5. God I hate microsoft and their DRM policy...

    Now that I have upgraded my machine I wanted to reactivate my Win10-Key (I kept my SSD and HDD) ... and now it won't let me because I don't have a stupid, non-sensical, practically useless MS-Account... GAH!!! I HAT YOU MICROSOFT! another 100 bucks down the drain for a product I already legitamately own!

    DRMs are worst for any honest PC-User...

  6. Finally... after I got my new Graphics card for Christmas, I now (half a year later) finally have my completely new PC ... damn it feels good...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. HongaarseBeer


      Woah, really? I'm impressed! Are you playing on an insane difficulty, or just normal like me? Because I needed meditation to heal etc... I wasn't that skilled

    3. Cepheus


      Second highest - the one that isn't Deathmarch... although I hear from some people, if you really getthe combat down, Deathmarch is just like any other difficulty

    4. HongaarseBeer


      Hmm, I might try it out someday. Enjoy playing!

  7. well that's just great... Chester Bennington - leadsinger and songwriter of Linkin Park - is dead... RIP damn... I really liked LP :/

    1. Wolfox


      He tried so hard and got so far. and in the end, it did matter. he touched a lot of hearts. May he join Kurt Cobain and rock on with him for eternity

  8. If I go by the COMMON KNOWLEDGE of that is displayed as "Third-year" knowledge or something like that in the first few episodes... I would probably be an Obelisk Blue... I mean, these guys are how old and have dueled how many years and need an Obelisk blue to explain them one of the most common cards back then? (one of the first few episodes) but since I'm a lazy piece of .... .... ... I'd probably be a Sliver Red I would probably play what I was always playing back then... a super annyoing Mill deck featuring Ordeal of the traveler, and Gravekeepers servant Destroying the Opponents deck and hand, while they have to destroy their own hands to declare an attack and then have to guess the card-type I'm holding to see if the attack goes through or their Monster returns to their hand - ahhhhh fun times seeing my buddies rage quit after their Super chain-summoned Ace monster gets returned because they guessed a 1/3 chance wrong
  9. Ugh - why does the site have that Birthday reminder... here I thought I could get away with a third year without someone noticing that I'm getting older... *sigh*

    1. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      To the top right of your profile should be an "Edit Profile" button, and from there you can make your birthday listed as blank. 

  10. happy b-day

  11. happy birthday :) 

  12. Happy Birthday :D, i hope you will have a great day ^^

  13. ugh... why does the Castlevania Anime only have 4 episodes??? I crave more... MORE!!!! *vampiric hissss*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 5hift


      Yeah they pretty much instantly signed on for another "season" but I can understand the frustration of having a good show last only 4 episodes.

    3. Wolfox


      all I'm hoping is that is becomes well received enough that we get to see Soma Cruz somewhere in the far future.

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      lt was a pilot Season. more or less just an extended pilot episode. SO the fact you wnat more is what it was made to do.

  14. wait... what??? Splatoon is getting an Anime???

    1. seki108


      I was going to make a joke about the Ika Squid Girl anime, but I'm more floored that this is actually a thing.

    2. Wolfox


      can someone pick up my jaw? I think it broke through to the oter side of the world

  15. so after like half a year of not playing and being at the final dungeon... I finally beat Tokyo Mirage Sessiosn :D


    That Intro to the Final Boss was anime as hell xD (but the boss itself was way to easy...)

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