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About Catilena1890

  • Birthday 08/25/1991

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  • Location
    Under Florinia's Cradily, again.
  • Interests
    Pokemon, roleplaying, PR, Anime, Teasing my fellow forum-goers.

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  1. So, I'm gonna do a rather unique run in Reborn, and I wanna keep a journal about it. Where would I do so?

    1. Lost Lore

      Lost Lore

      Team Showcase is probably the best place.

    2. Simon


      ^ This and good luck then.

  2. Goodnight Reborn. Tomorrow, I conquer Charlotte's Gym.

  3. So, I made this. No backsprite yet, but that's easily rectified if you like it Ame.

    1. Ringabel



    2. Catilena1890
  5. Another day, another few hours that I'll spend on beating up harmless forest animals so I can win at Charlotte's gym

    1. zimvader42


      Is the cycle of life. Survival of the fittest. That tiny defenseless phantump you found in the forest was too weak, you survive. You become the predator, you become stronger. And then you get wrecked by the top of the chain, Charlotte, and the cycle starts again.

  6. My cat started licking my stomach. I freaked her out because it tickled so much

    1. HolyKnight


      it´s your purpleness fault

  7. Mordoth, that is the greatest thing ever. I laughed at that for like, 3 minutes straight. @Valiant_VII Oh gosh I know. AME, YOU GAVE US NO CHOICE BUT TO MAKE TITANIA HATE US! How could you ;3;
  8. Mine is Delphox. Both Sabrina in Y and Alex in PR have been nothing but dependable. Sabrina has beaten things she had no business in beating, like a Scarfed Keldeo, and I actually beat Noel with Ale because he was overleveled, and his attack choices were better than mine. Most dependable pokemon I have ever worked with.
  9. SON OF A BITCH I knew this would happen. Found a Shuny Druddigon while grinding my Furfrou...I have Aya with me

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Meruem


      with a DRAGALGE

      shes taunting you trust me

    3. Catilena1890
    4. TurboAura


      I lost a Shiny Rhydon from her, just luck I found a shiny Rhyhorn while grinding. It even has good stats.

  10. omg a PC while I still have Aya with me. MY HAWLUCHA SHALL BE BADASS I need to update my siggy

    1. derekwst3


      you must be doing the same thing as me

  11. Sucker Punch Furfrou is your friend. Also, Hurricane Noivern works very well too. I beat Noel with the Furfrou *Fur Coat halves physical damage*, Noivern, and an overleveled Delphox who mercifully chose better attacks than I did. As for feeling like you are only doing this through luck, try a different approach. Don't think of it as a game, think of it as going on a real adventure. If you win a fight through "luck" rather than any strategy you came up, then you can interpret that as your pokemon coming through for you. Be proud of your team when this happens, you'll find much more satisfaction. Tried to lend a hand and fix up that rad gradient of yours. ~B. Guardian
  12. Why do I feel like Terra's fondness for pretzels is going to be a plotpoint? Like, will she reject our challenge even with the voucher unless we go out and find a pretzel key item to give her?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pocky


      Plot twist: pretzel is kill terra creates world armagaeddon

    3. Sorreah


      bigger plot twist: legendary pretzel vendor is champion

    4. Rawr-Ma-Ama


      Even bigger plot twist: Legendary pretzel vendor who is champion also is your father.

  13. I was certain that ice typed pokemon couldn't be frozen...

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Catilena1890


      Tundra JUST got Ice Beam at 56. She has Thunder Wave, Attract, Ice Beam and Ancient Power. Before Ice Beam she had Frost Breath.

    3. Vinny


      doesn't matter anyway. You were in the rocky field, not the icy one.


    4. Catilena1890


      XD Good job Vinny. Good job.

  14. So Reborn, for Samson, level 63 Furfrou, or a level 53 Vespiquen carrying a Quick Claw and Destiny Bond?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sorreah
    3. Catilena1890


      I decided to take a chance and went with Juggerna the Vespiquen. BEST. DECISION. EVER. Conkeldurr never had a chance.

    4. Vinny


      2014, not using Furfrou in fighting gym?

      lady pls...

  15. Finally got my Hawlucha.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Vinny


      I assume purple fennekins has lots of stuffs to do

    3. Simon


      ^ This. Infecting everyone with the purpleness.

    4. Meruem
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