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Princess Zelda

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About Princess Zelda

  • Birthday 07/05/2000

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    In your fridge eating your pudding
  • Interests
    Pokemon, Beyonce, Bleach, FT, No game no life, kittens

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1993 profile views
  1. Mega Lickilikcy Type: Normal Ability:Regenerator Stats: 110/100/135/95/135/45
  2. I vote for Secundum as our mighty lord and savior
  3. Shiny scraggy and scrafty, are they punk eanough
  4. Mega Nidoqueen Type: Poison/Ground Ability: Intimidate Stats: 90/110/130/85/115/75 Mega Nidoking Type: Poison/Ground Ability: Sheer Force Stats: 81/110/90/139/80/105
  5. I look like I'm 10 and not 13 https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t1.0-9/10458390_1466620953581741_4489673091422994858_n.jpg
  6. Fluffy vest- defence version of AV ^-^ Heart stealer-holder deals double damage to opponets in love Diamond mirror-it's a special version of rocky helmet Pixie wings-powers up fairy moves for 20% Spooky Spoons-raises special attack for 1.5 if holder is a psychic type Strong Band-raises attack for 1.5 if holder is a fighting type Rocky Shell-raises defence for 1.5 if holder is a rock type Ectoplasm-raises speed for 1.5 if holder is a ghost type
  7. Hunter : SE stab turns into 3 instead of 1.5
  8. Moon Serenade Special 15 PP Type : Fairy Base power : 95 Accuracy : 100 Targets: Everyone The user sings a serenade wich unleashes energy of the moon. It has 30% chance to put everyone exept user to sleep. Stars Dance Phyisical 5 PP Type : Fairy Base power : 95 Accuracy : 100 Targets: All opponets The user's limbs start radiacting energy from stars and user dances and strikes opponets. It has 40% to lower opponets speed and defence.
  9. Mega Gothitelle Type: Psychic Ability: Shadow Tag Stats: 70/50/120/120/170/60 Mega Reuniclus Type: Psychic Ability: Adaptability Stats: 110/60/115/180/115/10
  10. I wonder if there'll be other primal legenderies and what if i told you that you probably won't get mega stones before E4
  11. Mega Meloetta Aria Type: Fairy/Psychic Ability:Pixiliate Stats:100/80/80/175/175/90 Mega Meloetta Pirouette Type:Fairy/Fighting Ability:Pixiliate Stats:100/180/90/70/90/170
  12. Mega Crobat Type:Poison/Flying Ability:Gale Wings Stats:85/140/110/50/110/140
  13. Mega Flygon Type:Dragon/Ground Ability:Tinted Lense Stats:80/140/105/135/70/90
  14. Mega Magnezone Typing:Steel/Electric Ability:Magnet Pull Stats:70/60/120/180/120/85 Mega Probopass Typing:Steel/Electric Ability:Magnet Pull Stats:60/50/170/130/170/45
  15. Mega Dragonite Typing:Dragon/Fighting Ability:Fighter Spirit:fighting version of pixiliate aerialate etc. Stats:91/179/110/115/115/90 Mega Salamence Typing:Dragon/Fire Ability:Blazeialate-isn't it obv .-. ? Stats:95/170/90/140/85/120 Mega Metagross Typing:Steel Ability:Heatproof Stats:80/170/165/110/105/70 Mega Hydreigon Typing:Dragon/Dark Ability:Levitate Stats:92/128/105/160/105/110
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