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Everything posted by Beefkek

  1. Yes that is the only way to "trade" pokemon atm.
  2. I breed them on my save file
  3. Also if you want I can EV train your pokemon for 100 reborn rupees each
  4. Or pm me your save file and I will EV train your pokemon for 100 reborn rupees
  5. Pm me your request and your save file.
  6. No need to restart, just pm me your request and save file
  7. You can get him later in game so its better to chose something else.
  8. Ok this should be done in 1-2 days, just PM me your save game. You pay when you get the pokemon. Btw what ability?
  9. Well you don't have luck or you are not trying hard enough Here is my Gardevoir I also have good IVs shiny Gyarados, Chandelure, Umbreon, Ninetales...
  10. 1. No illegal ways I just breed till I get what you wanted. its only 3 IVs thats not so hard most of my team has all IV's over 25 3. I do it on my save then transfer it on yours. Yes sometimes it takes few days just for 1 pokemon if you want shiny with good IVs
  11. Yes, like this http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=8763&hl=trading
  12. I see that a lot of you guys seem to have problems with the difficulty of this game, mostly because you don't know how /want to breed or EV train your pokemon. So I decided to help you out in exchange for some Reborn Rupees. So here is what I am offering: For only 100 Rupees you get: -A Pokemon of your choice: I will breed any obtainable pokemon for you (I have most of them including all starters and all event pokemon even the old ones, like Staraptor, Lucario, Magmortar... +Nature, Ability and 3 IV's (from 28-31) of your choice Extras: -A Shiny pokemon: 100 Rupees -Full EV Training (Stats of your choice) : 100 Rupees -Moves of your choice: 50 Rupees Notes: -Max 2 pokemon per player (to keep the balance). -I will need 2-5 days to finish your request. -If you don't know how to send Rupees, PM me. -If you don't have any Rupees donate and support the community, or just be more active on the forum and earn your Rupees that way. Pic to show the difference between trained and untrained pokemon:
  13. There is, it looks like some white/red M so thats probably it.
  14. Megas are not that hard, I just made Samson mega evolve his Blaziken and my Gardevoir 1hitted it with Psychic and its 2 levels below it
  15. Beefkek


    31 IV in attack = +31 attack252 EV in attack = +63 attack How are IVs better lol?
  16. Beefkek


    Are you serious guys? 252EVs=63 stat points. All 3 are important, the difference between trained and untrained pokemon can be higher than 150 stat points for a single stat.
  17. That is your data folder not your save file. Also this is easily fixed by just finding a heart scale so don't be lazy and search for one.
  18. Download the attached file from my previous post and replace your save with it (back it up just in case).
  19. Atm your Azurill has 179 (255 is max) happiness. I changed it to max if you want it.
  20. Your safe file is in users/your name/saved games/pokemon reborn. It is called game.rxdata You upload it by pressing "more reply options" and then attach a file.
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