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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Beefkek

  1. Just tested it my Azurill had max happiness and it evolved after I used a rare candy. @EffervescentJoy if you want you can upload your save file and i will tell you what the happiness of your Azurill is.
  2. Or you could get the starter, leave the grand hall, catch a bidoof and put the starter in the pc...that is how u troll like a pro.
  3. Atm it is a tm that is already in game but it is probably just a place holder for something else. If you really want to know its
  4. I have like 20-30 pokemon with perfect EVs Department store
  5. Beefkek


    I think it is fake because mega evolutions have a mark next to their name. Like this one
  6. I already tried an eeveelution team and tbh it is not rly a challange since they are all good. Also you don't need a HM slave if you know how to change some scripts in reborn. I made the player do all the cutting and smashing
  7. This is what you should do https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqXz8ZsZxas
  8. Beefkek

    [Resolved] Ditto

    I think you need to have done the daycare event or something else... cant remember. But if you miss it now you will be able to buy it later in 7th street.
  9. I am talking about Reborn and neither of those items are held by any pokemon. So Ame probably decided they are too powerful for now.
  10. Neither Expert Belt nor King's Rock are hold by any wild pokemon.
  11. It is a random number and got nothing to do with your pokemon
  12. Beefkek


    You can get one beneath the grand stairway. If you remember the 4 paths where you can jump down, take the second from the left, and smash the rock just under it and it should be behind it.
  13. That will be an easy battle for someone who has good ev/iv pokemon if you compare for example a ev trained/good nature/iv's gyarados with a untrained mega gyarados, the trained one is stronger
  14. It is much easier if you use a script to change the pokemons form, that way you can have it mega evolved even before the battle starts and it can hold any item, no need for the mega stone.
  15. If you really want to make it harder do the Little Cup challenge (play with the lowest form of a pokemon that is able to evolve) I am currently at the sixth badge and it is really hard even with perfect EVs and good IVs
  16. Beefkek


    Watch the weather forecast on tv (in game ) and then change your time/date on your pc to get the needed weather.
  17. copy it to C:/users/your name/savedgames/pokemon reborn back up your old save
  18. Downloading atm cant wait to try it
  19. Beefkek

    Arceus puzzle

    Or use search, someone already posted the numbers in another thread.
  20. gutten-tag doesn't have the save anymore, so if anyone else still got it can you please upload it here.
  21. I wanted to check this out, but I don't see the download link.
  22. Didn't consider that ty for the help.
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