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Dhanush D Bhatt

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Dhanush D Bhatt

  1. Nah, it's fine xD Thanks a lot Hush Thanks a lot Micky . . . . I like you too
  2. Sorry for the late reply guys, I've been really busy Thanks a lot Hallo! Well, I'm not allowed to buy alcohol till 21, I think I can drink though. Well, I chose not to so Thanks a lot ICSW Thanks Alex Thanks a lot Viri Thanks Chemia Thanks smol gril Aika When I find some free time, I'll be sure to pop by the server #WaitForIt
  3. Eyyyy Bibs! Thanks a lot bruh, really do appreciate it! Thanks for making the post My hackmons game may be weak now, but I'll get my revenge, just you wait XD Hey Shia! Thanks a lot Yea, we should talk, I should come online more often xD Thanks a lot scrub Thanks a lot Yin Ey DW! Thanks a lot Thanks a lot Spine! Thank you Hycrox I have nothing but respect for you Mde, thanks a lot
  4. Drunk streams sound fun, 10/10 would watch tbh, Idk all of your timings so I'll just go with Spine
  5. No BMIC Edit : Ninja'd, but still a no. Also, still a BMIC predict
  6. Sorry for the late wishes, but happy birthday Cyanna And yes, I am still alive. Spine, show thyself. For a knight needs a dragon to slay!
  7. Dammit! I missed your birthday D: None the less, Happy Belated Birthday Ody! You're a really fun person and great to talk to. I enjoyed each and every interaction we've had, including our battles. Hope you had a great birthday! Stay awesome
  8. Hey ICSW! Happy birthday A cheerful and fun person like you deserves a great one, have a blast
  9. The "close enough?" signifies that I'm asking the predictor if I am a close enough substitute for his prediction. Firstly, HOW DARE YOU???? Secondly, HOW DARE YOU?!?!!??!! I summon Micky of the Blue Moon
  10. Well Micky, when I predicted Spine, I didn't expect him to reply immediately. I expected the thread to be dead for a while like it always is TRHS?
  11. I guess y'all need to know when to sleep. Says the guy who slept at 4 am when he has class today Nice to see Declan is back, nice avi Micky, but the prediction goes to mah boi Spine
  12. Haha, I can confirm that Viri won't be coming back for quite some time or will he Will he Willhe Willy Willy.... Sounds like Micky.... Micky?
  13. Limited control? Nuuuu Micky, stay with me :c
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