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Dhanush D Bhatt

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Dhanush D Bhatt

  1. According to me he is the most badass character in Naruto 8/10 so kawaii ^.^
  2. *looks at Gaunt's lifeless body Hmmm i hope She doesn't know where i live *looks at Yash praying like a student before an exam She can't possibly know where i am right?Right?? *sees a shadow flicker by That's just my sister. He he he. Wait. My sister is still at her workplace .... .... CREEPYPASTA - AME
  3. Granted. But you have done something equally as bad. I wish i could actually do the physics problems i get
  4. No you actually have to give up the ELECTRILIZER for the ELEKID. So currently no way of getting a Electiwire. Sorry. And yes it is in Calcenon city
  5. Hey Alchemi. A fellow procrastinator greets you My birthday is Sep 13 so your'e like one week older than me Anyway, hope you enjoy your stay in Reborn cause in the end, there is no escape
  6. And just for that, you are probably going to die. As for myself......*quickly runs away and hides in a corner
  7. Also you probably need to know about iv's (even though you specifically didn't ask for it, it's better you know). Each pokemon has a fixed set of iv's varying randomly from 1-31 in each stat. The value shows how many extra stat points a pokemon will have at lvl 100. For example a pokemon with 10 iv's in speed will have 5 less speed than the same pokemon with iv's 15 in speed at lvl 100 (considering that they have the same nature and EV's). IV's can make or break the game in competitive battling or games like reborn. You can also breed for good iv's if the parents have good iv's which you can learn from etesian's breeding guide which he posted above. Enjoy your experience in reborn
  8. The number of people 'Viewing Community Index' is too damn high!!

    1. Autumn Rain
    2. Shanco


      That's because the Community Index is the forum's main page. Tell people to go post stuff!

  9. Yes she does do that be nice Edit: ^
  10. Yup she is the creator of the game. At the beginning of the opening screen of reborn you can see it say 'Designed by Amethyst'. Ame is short for Amethyst
  11. Staraptor uses brave bird. BTW is that supposed to be from my little pony?
  12. 32 And here i am, not being able to breed for nuts
  13. 17 @darklight : No money of my own--> scary and strict dad --> exams and stuff --> no 3ds
  14. And cyndaquil should NOT enter a surfing contest with gyarados
  15. Also the pichu will be hiding behind a tree so it's not really easy to spot
  16. 14 Due to the lack of anything to say, i will say this. Wub wub?
  17. Hey Darkbolo! Welcome to Reborn. Hope you have fun here and enjoy your stay
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