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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Guzam

  1. Been forever since I've done anything Reborn related. Started a new file for E19 and I gotta give it up. Revisiting this new early and mid game? Absolutely phenomenal. The story changes are welcome, and I'm surprised with how much new stuff that was fit in without changing the main course of the story. And the redone areas too? It honestly feels like I'm playing a brand new game, but no, it's just Reborn still. A new and well complete Reborn. Passwords are also a godsend too, these really are just the best. I've just made it to Agate so I'm sure I'll reach the E19 content within a week, can't wait for that. Not a gripe and moreso a suggestion that I made in the original passwords dev post that I'm making again here, I'd like if there was a 0 EXP password in some capacity. I still think 0 EXP is one of the most interesting challenges in any capacity for most mons games, so i was a bit bummed to see my suggestion didn't make it in. However I noticed with the patch 19.04 a new password was added, so I thought maybe i'd make my suggestion again aha? Beyond that, E19 has been a blast so far and i'm not even into the "E19" (Post E18) content yet. Great job Amethyst, Cass, Marcello and all the other devs who I'd list off if I had all your names
  2. boop Important to note is before moving on to Agate Circus where I'll be locked for a while, I stocked up on a shit ton of items and caught some of the remaining high leveled pokemon, even ones above the level cap that will become usable as I progress through the episode 12-15 content. Next time is Samson
  3. Hate Noel No seriously this fight is mean. Next time, Fern, Cain and a very scary Normal type.
  4. bringe ez game


  5. Boom Hate this fight, really, too much luck involved even for a Serra fight zzzzzz Anyway next vid will feature a lot of battles, Sigmund, Giant Steelix and PULSE Abra, stay tuned, that'll probably go up on the 25th
  6. the return:


  7. Yeah bet you didn't see this coming. Or maybe you did. I did mean it when I said I'd finish this run eventually, and what better time to do it then when I'm locked away and unable to interact with society. Here's a video! And here's a brief refresher on the restrictions of this run since it's literally been a full year: This run is GETTING FINISHED BEFORE MAY ENDS I PROMISE, I've been putting this off for too long and don't want to keep putting it off anymore so I'm doing this. I'm also just gonna limit the description to the Youtube videos only from now on, mostly so i just don't have to post as much and artificially lengthen my posts. Serra vid will be up in like, a few hours. Edit: I should also probably link the old archived thread too, oops lmao.
  8. This is definitely a place that exists, yup.

  9. Hi, I'm pretty late to this post, but a way to get a 0 exp mode (i.e. you can never earn exp outside of rare candies/common candies since idk if you could actually stop those from leveling without making new items) without needing rpg maker xp would be nice, so there's my suggestion.
  10. haha whoa an update:


  11. haha wow pyrr, almost a new record. Here you go:


  12. That may have taken a bit too long


  13. Back Your dole dippers, madame Next part will have Solaris, and will go up tomorrow for sure too.
  14. I am unfortunately not dead. This time around I just kind of ended up forgetting about this, oops. That said, Next part will be up within the next 24 hours, though due to video issues, Solaris' battle will have to be uploaded separately as its own part, which is fine really, just annoying cause the video's gonna be so short. But hey, maybe that means I can make my description like one sentence this time lmao.
  15. Ladies and Gentlemen? We got em.


  16. H 10 days, new record amirite? Description below Next part will feature the battles with Aster and Eclipse, Taka and Solaris. See you guys then.
  17. I had to check rn just to be sure, and it turns out, I was not gaining EVs despite killing pokemon. This shouldn't have been the case as the intention was for exp gain to be done like it is for level 100's, who despite not gaining exp, do gain EV's upon killing pokemon in reborn. I've changed the script accordingly and now properly get EVs, though this does make me want to revise some of my lategame strats that did use EV's to see if I can do them without. As for Lategame team, most of the wild pokemon by lategame come at levels 80-90, and at levels that high, it doesn't matter too much if the levels rise to say 90+ or 100. By that point, level gap hardly matters at all, and what does matter is EV's, IV's, items, natures, what moves i have available etc. Very glad this remark came up so that I could fix this issue and remind me to see if I can EV proof this run.
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